Funding for Climate Change Adaptation - Flood Protection


Whereas flood protection works are deficient in many areas throughout the Province of British Columbia and, in many areas, are adjacent to Wildlife Management Areas or environmentally protected areas; And whereas climate change is increasing the risk of flooding in many coastal communities due to long term sea level rise; And whereas there are limited funds to address long term dike improvement works: Therefore be it resolved that senior levels of government work with local governments to fund and assist in implementing a streamlined approvals process for long term flood protection adaptation programs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development The South Coast Region has combined the application reviews regarding the Dike Maintenance Act and Water Sustainability Act into one process to improve adjudication turnaround times. The Province is also collaborating with the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy, facilitated by the Fraser Basin Council, to create a regional approach to long-term flood management. The Province, led by Emergency Management BC, continues to partner with the Federal Government on flood mitigation funding programs such as the National Disaster Mitigation Program NDMP, Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund DMAF, and Investing in Canada Plan - Bilateral Agreement funding. In addition, through EMBC, the Province has funded the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund CEPF, a program administered by UBCM that includes funding for flood risk assessments, mapping, mitigation planning and structural mitigation. Innovative approaches to flood protection, including foreshore enhancements, can facilitate the ecological resilience of tidal marshes in locations like Wildlife Management Areas. South Coast Region staff are working with local governments on funded projects DMAF that will inform and enhance long term management approaches.

Convention Decision