Preservation of Archaeological Artifacts


Whereas local governments routinely undertake excavation works for road, sewer and water services for their communities; And whereas excavations, particularly in coastal areas, may uncover archaeological sites which are protected under the provincial Heritage Conservation Act; And whereas the costs incurred by local government are often impossible to predict and may significantly impact the final costs of the project: Therefore be it resolved that the BC Government be requested to fund additional expenditures borne by local governments to record and document archaeological findings in accordance with the provincial Heritage Conservation Act.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Protection of BCs cultural heritage, as a reflection of the intent behind the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action, is a priority of this government and the artefacts being recovered from the Delta Storm Sewer project are particularly significant finds, and subject to specialized conservation. The Ministry does not have any funding available to support proponents, including local governments, with the costs of archaeological work. The Royal BC Museum does not have the facilities or capacity to take on any of the conservation work, however the Canadian Conservation Institute has agreed to provide some conservation support. Ministry staff will engage with First Nations and the archaeological consultant to explore alternative approaches to artefact conservation, which may reduce the scope of work.

Convention Decision