Emergency SOS Auto 911 Call Smartphone Technology

Whereas the significant rise in cell phone 911 pocket calls and dropped 911 pocket calls has resulted since the introduction of the Emergency SOS Auto 911 call feature in smartphone devices and watches; And whereas Canada has over 12 million calls to 911 annually, with 30 percent of those from pocket dialed and dropped 911 calls, which are a significant drain on resources, both from a 911 call centre standpoint, but also in terms of first responder operational resources; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the federal government and Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Com

Support for a British Columbia Coastal Protection Strategy

Whereas unlike all the Atlantic provinces, BC has no comprehensive coastal and marine strategy, a BCCoastal Protection Strategy will clearly articulate provincial jurisdiction and enable the Province to better engage with other governments and communities; And whereas no marine counterpart to the BCLandAct exists, and piecemeal legislation and policy govern numerous coastal marine activities; And whereas a BC Coastal Protection Strategy will provide a vision and objectives to guide actions in the increasingly crowded coastal zone and highlight the importance the government places on thes

Cannabis Enforcement and Regulation within the Agricultural Land Reserve

Whereas UBCM was not consulted on the legislative and regulatory changes that have changed the characterization of cannabis production on the Agricultural Land Reserve ALR to farm use; And whereas the Farm Practices Protection Right to Farm Act protects and exempts farm operation from liability in nuisance for any odour, noise, dust or other disturbance resulting from that farm operation: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Ministry of Agriculture to continue to work with farm operators and the Cannabis Policy Technical Working Group to address the concerns of local government in

Independent Office of Integrity for Local Government

Whereas the UBCM Working Group on Responsible Conduct WGRC has been working extensively to support local government initiatives to address less-than-responsible local government conduct by providing local government council and board members with a set of principles and general standards of conduct that can be used to develop their own code of conduct; And whereas the WGRC continues to work on potential legislative change that focuses on the importance of councils and boards turning their minds to codes of conduct in a standardized and consistent manner: Therefore be it resolved that UBC

Criminal Record Checks for Local Government Elected Officials

Whereas individuals holding office in a local government are elected into a position of trust and power where they have access to sensitive data and are expected to conduct themselves in an open, transparent and accountable manner according to the Candidates Guide To Local Government Elections in BC; And whereas there is no requirement for elected officials to submit criminal record checks despite being privy to highly sensitive information and allowed to participate in activities that other employers would require criminal record checks for, such as volunteering: Therefore be it resolve

Mandatory Signage for Bear Traps

Whereas dogs are accidentally killed yearly across British Columbia when they are unintentionally lured Into a baited bear trap often resulting in a gruesome death; And whereas people are unable to avoid bear traps because there is no requirement for signage to be posted warning of said traps: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to impose a mandatory requirement for trappers to post signage warning of active bear traps in the area to prevent accidental harm to those in the area.

Ranching Concerns

Whereas Range Tenure holders are concerned with the lack of service that is offered by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, including a lack of staff with experience or training in ranching related issues, high turnover, and unreasonable delays in communications and approvals; And whereas ranchers are faced with numerous delays in approvals for fence installation due to the removal of natural boundaries by third party operators; And whereas ranchers are facing hardships and are unable to properly manage their tenures due to a lack of qualified

Online Gaming

Whereas municipalities are limited by the Community Charter, Part 7, Division 1, Paragraph 192 to specific types of revenue sources; And whereas local governments imposing fees for services have seen significant declines in revenues, including casino gaming revenues, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting Provincial State of Emergency; And whereas online gaming revenues increased significantly since 20172018; And whereas local governments with gaming facilities rely on gaming revenues to offset costs for operating, infrastructure and capital projects: Therefore be it resolved th


Whereas creation of the Kootenay Lake Stewardship Partnership was designed to coordinate a common approach among First Nation, federal, provincial and local governments as a means to ensure protection of riparian habitat and various fisheries; And whereas actions and decisions of the office of Land Title Survey Authority in granting controversial accretions being seen as undermining that common approach and can lead to a further destruction of riparian habitat by a minority of property owners: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Attorney General to review the actions and decision

Collaborative Wildfire Mitigation

Whereas local governments and First Nations have for more than ten 10 years taken leadership of wildfire risk reduction activities through accessing various provincial funding opportunities, to reduce ourcommunitieswildfire risk includingthrough theUBCM Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative, UBCM Community Resiliency Investment Program,andForest Enhancement Society of BC; And whereas local governments and First Nations are on the front line for community engagementthrough educating the public regardingwildfire risk reductionand providingconcerns and input into proposed planse.g.Communit