BC Building Code

Whereas the changes to the BC Building Code in 2018 added significant costs and reliance on mechanical systems and synthetic materials to residential construction and is further exaggerated by the BC Energy Step Code; And whereas most local governments agree with the concept of reducing GHG emissions however new home ownership is deterred by adding costs of energy consultants and mandated energy solutions in areas of the province that have high land values but lower average annual income and where mechanical solutions are not relevant due to infirm power therefore adding further pressure

Multi-Residential Insurance Rates

Whereas over the past year stratas and non-profit housing providers have experienced substantial increases to insurance premiums andor found it difficult to secure an insurer for their buildings; And whereas multi-residential housing constitutes a large portion of British Columbias housing stock; And whereas the BC Financial Services Authoritys BC Strata Property Insurance Market Interim Findings report identifies several fundamental issues straining the strata insurance market that are not addressed in the Provinces proposed amendments to the Strata Property Act and Financial Instituti

Farmers Markets as Essential Services During Emergencies

Whereas farmers markets are a key resource in addressing food security during an emergency by providing access to food quickly and efficiently; And whereas farmers markets have not been consistently permitted to operate across the province during the COVID-19 pandemic: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province take the necessary steps to ensure farmers markets are identified as an essential service during all provincial and local states of emergency.

Provincial Action to Enhance Food Security During Emergencies

Whereas food security and food supply issues are essential to all emergency response and recovery efforts; And whereas the status and consideration of food security and supply issues are not adequately addressed within the provincial emergency management system and structures: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province provide greater consideration of food security and supply, including localized knowledge, within the provincial emergency management structure and provide guidance and resources to local governments and their emergency operations centres for this purpose.

Extraordinary Resolution to Amend the UBCM Bylaws to Provide the UBCM Executive with the Authority to Enable a Virtual Annual General Meeting and Annual Convention

Whereas the 2020 UBCM Convention and Annual General Meeting are being conducted in a virtual format as a result of the provincial state of emergency being declared due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the prohibition on mass gatherings that was issued by the Provincial Health Officer; And whereas the special Ministerial Order 168 authorizes the holding of the UBCM Convention and the Annual General Meeting in a virtual format and allows the Executive to: - hold a virtual AGM and Convention; and - amend existing rules, procedure and processes and establish new ones to permit UBCM to conduct vot

Collection of Blood Samples for Police Drug Testing

Whereas Bill C-46 amended the Criminal Code to authorize any police officer who has reasonable grounds to believe a drug-impaired driving offence or a blood drug concentration level offence has occurred, to demand a sample of blood to determine per se limits of drug levels in the blood; And whereas Bill C-46 amended the Criminal Code to allow qualified technicians to draw blood without the supervision of a doctor; And whereas drawing blood in a timely matter less than two hours is critical to capturing accurate blood drug concentration levels: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the

Helipad Hospital Construction

Whereas none of the new or existing level 3 trauma hospital construct plan in rural British Columbia include plans or designs for onsite helipads; And whereas due to an absence of onsite hospital helipads, rural BC trauma patients experience delayed access to level 3 trauma hospitals: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of BC consult and engage with affected local governments with respect to the construction and development of future level 3 and above trauma hospital helipads.

Requirement for Trust Accounts for Commercial Properties

Whereas there are commercial properties that are unable to pay property taxes that result in a loss of revenue for local government; And whereas the majority of rental and lease agreements include an amount in the rental fee that is allocated towards property taxes: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM be asked to lobby the Province to implement a requirement for commercial property landlords to establish trust accounts to deposit property tax payments collected as part of the leaserental agreements.

Public Highway Designation for Resource Roads

Whereas many rural and remote communities throughout British Columbia rely on resource roads for food, fuel and medical services; And whereas the lower maintenance standards for these roads compared with other provincial roads have contributed to motor vehicle injuries and fatalities: Therefore be it resolved that the Province establish defined standards for construction, maintenance, and enforcement for resource roads that serve as the primary or secondary access roads for communities, funded similarly to the public highway system.

Amend the Jury Act

Whereas the Jury Act disqualifies Members of the Legislative Assembly and Members of Parliament from jury duty but does not include local government elected officials; And whereas local government elected officials actively lobby for legislative amendments, oversee their RCMP Detachment work plans and are privy to sensitive information that could create a real or perceived conflict of interest if required to participate on a jury in their municipality: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to amend the Jury Act to disqualify local government elected official