Mental Health, Addictions and Poisoned Drug Supply

Whereas there are two current public health emergencies in BC with the COVID-19 crisis declared in March 2020, and the overdose crisis declared in April 2016; And whereas deaths due to unintentional illicit drug toxicity have increased considerably with 170 deaths in May 2020 alone, and 554 deaths between January and May 2020; And whereas police and fire departments are responding to an increasing number mental health and overdose related calls, which results in higher costs carried by local governments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to introduce a co

Police Based Victim Services

Whereas the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General has primary responsibility for funding Police Based Victim Services programs and local governments are being requested to cost-share funding programs in communities that contribute to policing costs; And whereas the existing funding structure may create instability and capacity challenges for Police Based Victim Services programs reliant on a level of funding certainty in order to adequately plan, deliver and sustain programs that support the safety needs of victims and communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the

ICI Packaging and Paper Products Recycling Regulation Amendment

Whereas resolution 2018-B68 Packaging and Printed Paper Recycling Regulation Amendment was previously endorsed by the UBCM membership; And whereas the Province responded it would consider expanding BCs Extended Producer Responsibility EPR programs for future inclusion of Industrial, Commercial and Institutional ICI packaging and paper products as part of their commitment to the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment Canada-Wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility; And whereas BCs EPR programs have yet to be expanded to include ICI packaging and paper products which is h

Cumulative Effects of Land Use Decisions

Whereas communities of British Columbia are dependent on healthy, ecologically diverse, functioning ecosystems upstream from Official Community Plan areas for services such as drinking water, stormwater management, erosion control, pollinator protection for food systems, infrastructure asset management and climate resilience; And whereas provincial ministries often consider applications to make private or industrial use of provincial public land independently of each other and do not have or apply sufficient regulatory frameworks for ensuring long term ecological resilience such as integr

BC Gaming Grant

Whereas communities under 10,000 in British Columbia have limited opportunities to access funding for programs and services related to arts and culture, sport, public safety, environment and social services; And whereas larger communities are able to access gaming revenue from gambling facilities; And whereas residents of smaller communities utilize and participate in the British Columbia Lottery Corporation without benefit to their communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to make available new gaming grant funding for those communities under 10,000

Vacancy Tax

Whereas the City of Vancouver has authority through the Vancouver Charter to implement an Annual Vacancy Tax; And whereas other municipalities are governed through the Community Charter where there is no current authority to implement a Vacancy Tax: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM work with the Province of British Columbia to amend the authority given to municipalities through the Community Charter permitting municipalities the authority to impose, by bylaw, an annual vacancy tax on taxable residential properties.

Internet and Cell Phone Service

Whereas access to fast, affordable broadband internet and cell phone service is essential in todays digital world; And whereas broadband internet and cell phone service in many rural and remote communities across British Columbia is either non-existent or too slow and unreliable to access many services necessary for economic and social well-being; And whereas during an emergency where social interaction is limited or traditional communications infrastructure is compromised, it is imperative that citizens have reliable broadband internet and cell phone service to access health care, educat

Cardboard Recycling

Whereas carboard is cardboard; And whereas all cardboard in the Province of BC should be treated equally; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC immediately incorporate all cardboard into the existing Extended Producer Responsibility Program operated by Recycle BC.

Active Transportation

Whereas the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure policy requires local governments to take responsibility for pedestrian and cycling trails within highway rights of way; And whereas local government involvement in planning and operating active transportation infrastructure within highway right of way is inefficient and ineffective given that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure sets the guidelines and gives final approval; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province to assume responsibility for the development and operation of active transportation infrastru

First Responder Program in British Columbia

Whereas local governments who choose to provide additional pre-hospital care to their citizens, through the First Responder Program, must sign an agreement to follow a model that is used province-wide, from metropolitan areas to the most rural parts of the province, and which may not address the individual needs or circumstances of the community or jurisdiction; And whereas collaborative pilot projects have proven successful in both addressing the needs and capacities of individual communities as well as being beneficial to the care of the citizens of British Columbia; And whereas munic