Active Transportation Infrastructure Highways Projects

Whereas the Province of BC as part of Clean BC has developed an Active Transportation Strategy under the leadership of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to improve active transportation networks that connect British Columbians from the places they live to the facilities they use; And whereas BC Healthy Communities provides funding to local governments to develop local Active Transportation Plans supported by the BC Physical Activity Strategy; And whereas the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure constructs highway improvements that connect to and integrate with loc

Recreation Infrastructure Funding

Whereas all communities in British Columbia directly provide, or provide financial support for some level of, recreation services to their residents; And whereas many communities in British Columbia have aging recreation infrastructure built by volunteers or through borrowed funds; And whereas recreation services are an essential component of all vibrant communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of BC to reinstate funding programs that assist local governments in rehabilitating or rebuilding existing aging recreation infrastructure to ensure small community sustain

Funding for Local Government Infrastructure Upgrades as a Result of Highway Construction

Whereas local government infrastructure must often be upgraded when highway construction projects occur adjacent to communities; And whereas many small local governments cannot fund expensive infrastructure upgrades that must be done when highway improvements are constructed: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to ensure that funding is provided for local government infrastructure improvements that are required to be constructed as a result of highway upgrades.

Increased Funding for Provincial Police Resources Along the Trans-Canada Highway Corridor

Whereas the Trans-Canada Highway 1, from the Alberta British Columbia provincial border through Revelstoke has surpassed its capacity due to increasing tourism and commercial transportation, resulting in frequent collisions, and the transportation route closures impeding commerce in the area; And whereas there has been little or no increase in provincial police resourcing for communities along the Trans-Canada Highway to effectively reduce speeds beyond posted limits and ultimately improve road safety by reducing collisions: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to increas

Sustainable Funding for Highway Rescue Services

Whereas many small community volunteer fire departments and societies provide vital highway rescue services for vehicle crashes that occur on provincial highways; And whereas while Emergency Management BC reimburses highway rescue service providers for some of the costs incurred, most small local governments and societies are contributing approximately 66 percent of the costs associated with the provision of this valuable service by providing training, personnel and vehicles; And whereas other emergency services attending vehicle crashes on Provincial Highways such as RCMP, BCEHS Ambulanc

Funding for High Speed Internet Services in Small Communities

Whereas many communities under 10,000 population in British Columbia are critically underserved for connectivity; And whereas in 2020, there are so many opportunities for economic development in small and remote communities if connectivity were provided to a suitable level; And whereas the federal government launched a connectivity strategy called, High-Speed Access for All, with the goal to achieve universal 50 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload speeds for 90 per cent of Canadians by 2021, 95 per cent of Canadians by 2026, and the hardest to reach Canadians by 2030, such download and uploa

Places of Public Worship Tax Exemptions

Whereas philanthropic organizations in each community provide different levels of service and public benefit that each local government may wish to recognize; And whereas matters of worship are highly personal, and the financial obligations of places of public worship should only be shared among the citizens and taxpayers in a community with the consent of the local government body; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Provincial Government to amend the Community Charter to move the tax exemption places of public worship from statutory Section 220 1 h, to permissive Section 24 2.

Access to Provincial Parks

Whereas the British Columbia provincial parks system represents an invaluable public asset to remote and rural communities, supports the integrity of our economic and social structure, promotes the physical well-being of our citizens, and presents a healthy and diverse natural environment; And whereas the diminishing road access to our communities provincial parks is currently disabled by abandoned, closed, or un-maintained logging and forest service roads: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to enable access to provincial parks and that access roads be design