Hazardous Materials Recycling Regulation

Whereas non refillable pressurized tanks and sharps needles have been identified across British Columbia as creating serious health and safety concerns for the public and workers engaged in garbage and recycling collection, processing and landfilling; And whereas the Province of British Columbia can include these hazardous materials under the Recycling Regulation to ensure cost effective and safe disposal under an Extended Producer Responsibility Program: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to include nonrefillable pressurized tanks and sharps nee

Protection of British Columbia Watercourses from Invasive Aquatic Species

Whereas currently the very dangerous Zebra and Quagga mussels have not yet been identified as having invaded watercourses lakes, rivers, streams in British Columbia; And whereas these invasive aquatic species are devastating to all aspects of watercourses by altering the eco-system of the watercourses, negatively affecting spawning areas which harm the survival of fish eggs, seriously reducing the availability of food for native aquatic species, damaging essential infrastructure and negatively affecting recreational activities; And whereas all these negative affects of the Zebra and Quag

Timely Review and Approvals - Section 11 Water Sustainability Act

Whereas works within and adjacent to watercourses are often necessary and prescribed to mitigate risks to life, businesses and properties associated with riparian protection, flooding and debris flows; And whereas the waiting time for necessary Section 11 approvals under the Water Sustainability Act to undertake such improvement works is significant and approaching several years, thus contributing to these risks: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Ministry of Forests, Land, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development to allocate greater resources to the processing of these S

Employer Health Tax

Whereas the Province of British Columbia implemented changes in 2018 to the Medical Services Plan and introduced a new Employer Health Tax in 2019 to replace the Medical Services Plan premiums; And whereas the Employer Health Tax is placing an increased financial strain on small business and is having negative consequences on the economy of British Columbia: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Province to increase the small business exemption threshold from 500,000 to 1.25 million and ensure the tax is fully graduated so that the 1.95 percent rate is the same at all payroll th

Social Development Specialist Funding

Whereas there is a growing pressure on local governments within the province to provide services in areas which have not traditionally been local government services, including homelessness, addictions, mental health, child-care and age friendly matters; And whereas the Province is providing resources and services and local governments are left with the responsibility of coordinating the available resources and services: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to provide 50 percent of the costs of a social development specialist for local governments with a population of 10,00

Community Social Needs Resourcing Strategies

Whereas existing provincial funding and resource models are based on strong partnerships between all levels of government, there is an unaddressed need to provide flexibility in funding allocation to address unique and complex localized health, housing, and social needs. And whereas the current provincial funding structure does not provide flexibility to support local governments to adapt and design locally relevant and responsive strategies and solutions based on local real-time conditions to effectively address unique community complex social needs.

Supportive Housing for Complex Needs

Whereas existing provincial and regional health providers and housing programs and associated funding models arent in alignment to meet the complex mental health and housing needs of our communities. And whereas the local governments have acknowledged the need for specialized housing resources allocated to clients with complex and unique needs as the current programing model for housing units is not equipped to house those individuals with these types of challenges.

Keep of Prisoner Program

Whereas the Kamloops RCMP detachment continues to provide escort and custody services for provincial police prisoners from outlying detachments and intermittent prisoners sentenced by the Provincial Court of BC under the Keep of Prisoner Program which does not fairly compensate the City of Kamloops; And whereas upon surveying local governments with a population of over 15,000 in the South East District of BC are also required to provide similar services to provincial police and intermittent prisoners and are also receiving unfair compensation for said services; And whereas with no forma

Funding to Implement Emergency Program Act Changes

Whereas the Province of British Columbia is in the process of modernizing the Emergency Program Act for implementation in the Spring of 2021; And whereas the changes being considered will require significant additional staff time and resources from local governments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the Province of British Columbia Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General to provide 100 percent funding to a maximum of 100,000 per year for a minimum of five years to local governments of 5,000 or smaller population to implement the changes to the Emergency Program Act.