Whereas local government infrastructure must often be upgraded when highway construction projects occur adjacent to communities; And whereas many small local governments cannot fund expensive infrastructure upgrades that must be done when highway improvements are constructed: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to ensure that funding is provided for local government infrastructure improvements that are required to be constructed as a result of highway upgrades.
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure When planning and designing infrastructure improvements on provincial highways, the ministry works with the local municipalities to understand how improvements will impact the local area and to identify opportunities to mitigate the impacts. In situations where proposed improvements to a provincial highway create a direct need for improvements to municipal or indigenous roads or lands, the ministry works with the local community to define these situations and includes the work in the scope and budget of the project. There are instances where a highway improvement project presents an opportunity for a municipality to include a municipal project in the highway improvement project scope. This can reduce the cost to the municipality by capitalizing on economies of scale. In this example, the ministry partners with the municipality by including the scope of work in the contract and the municipality pays the cost for the work to the ministry. Municipalities seeking to improve infrastructure in their communities can apply to grant funding programs. The grant opportunities fund projects to help communities expand, maintain and upgrade infrastructure and promote employment and economic growth. Examples include Infrastructure Grants Program, Small Communities Fund and Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. More information can be found on the ministrys website Funding Grants - Province of British Columbia https:www2.gov.bc.cagovcontenttransportationfunding-engagement-permitsf…