Equitable Funding for Healthcare Infrastructure Projects

Whereas local governments are crucial stakeholders in ensuring the provision of essential healthcare infrastructure within their communities; And whereas transparent and accurate cost estimates for healthcare infrastructure projects are essential to enable effective budget planning and financial management by local governments; And whereas recent experiences with escalating costs for hospital projects highlight the importance of transparent cost estimates and equitable funding arrangements to mitigate potential financial strain on taxpayers; And whereas equitable funding arrangements are

Transparent Cost Estimates for Healthcare Infrastructure Projects

Whereas local governments are crucial stakeholders in ensuring the provision of essential healthcare infrastructure within their communities; And whereas transparent and accurate cost estimates for healthcare infrastructure projects are essential to enable effective budget planning and financial management by local governments; And whereas recent experiences with escalating costs for hospital projects highlight the importance of transparent cost estimates and equitable funding arrangements to mitigate potential financial strain on taxpayers; And whereas equitable funding arrangements are

Regional Hospital District Capital Cost-Sharing Split

Whereas capital infrastructure project costs for healthcare facilities in North and Central British Columbia have been shared between the provincial government and Regional Hospital Districts with 60 percent contributed by the Province and 40 percent contributed by Regional Hospital Districts; And whereas since 2004 local governments in British Columbia have raised concern that the 60:40 cost-sharing split is financially unsustainable because it necessitates continuous increases in local property taxation being the primary source of revenue available to local governments; this revenue alre

BC Arts Council Funding

Whereas investing in arts, culture, and heritage has proven social, economic, and educational benefits for communities small and large across the province; And whereas the arts, culture, and heritage sector has been chronically underfunded in BC compared to other regions in Canada: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC increase the BC Arts Councils annual budget to a minimum of 55 million in the 202526 budget.

Legislative Changes to Permit Alkaline Hydrolysis Funerals

Whereas Alkaline Hydrolysis Process funeral services present an opportunity to reduce the environmental impact of preparing and interring human remains by significantly reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from burials and land use requirements for storing human remains; And whereas the Cremation, Interment, and Funeral Services Act does not permit Alkaline Hydrolysis as an acceptable process for preparing a deceased persons remains: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General and Deputy Premier to prepare and introduce a bill in

Implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Whereas Advanced Metering Infrastructure AMI, comprising of smart meters, data management systems, and communication networks, is a key tool in providing efficient, reliable and environmentally sustainable utility services; And whereas the implementation of AMI comes at a significant cost for public utilities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the Province of British Columbia to begin exploring a funding model to support the implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure AMI across public utilities in the province.

Mandatory Holocaust Education in BCs Elementary Schools

Whereas Statistics Canada reported that there were 750 police-reported hate crimes targeting religious minorities during 2022, of which 502 or 66.9 were aimed at Jews; And whereas Ontario recently became the first province to introduce mandatory Holocaust education into the elementary school curriculum: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM recognizes the dangers of Holocaust denial and distortion, which so often targets our young people, and urges the Ministry of Education and Child Care to introduce mandatory Holocaust education to elementary schools.

Provincial Service Level Expectations to Prioritize Customer Service

Whereas the Province of British Columbia does not have reliable modernized call for service systems or channels for the Ministry of Environment Report All Poacher and Polluters RAPP Line, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Agricultural Land Commission, or the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; And whereas the lack of a reliable call for service system or channels creates public confusion, frustration, and safety concerns over service level expectations due to a lack of communication regarding queue status, outcome of reporting feedback, or additional follow-up: Therefo

Provincial Employee Support

Whereas the Province of British Columbia implements changes to legislation in anticipation of providing benefit to all British Columbians; And whereas not all rural, remote communities are provided with capacity to fulfill new legislative requirements: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province provide subject specific provincial employees on a regional level to support local governments with the increased legislative changes.