Increased Funding for the Implementation of New Provincial Housing Development Requirements

Whereas the Province provided funding in January 2024 for local governments to implement the requirements of new housing legislation; And whereas the actual expected costs of implementation have been estimated by multiple local government speakers at the UBCM Housing Summit to be two to three times the amount of the provided funding: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM request of the provincial government that the initial funding to support the implementation of new housing development requirements be increased to reflect actual costs.

Development Cost Charges for Affordable Housing

Whereas municipalities and regional districts are able to levy development cost charges DCC on new development to help pay for the capital costs of growth-related infrastructure; And whereas local governments are challenged with both adequately funding infrastructure and providing waivers or exemptions to development cost charges for certain types of supportive and rental housing: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to further increase funding levels to BC Housing and mandate the inclusion of funding to pay for development costs charges as part of all capi

Provincial Support for Services Associated with Housing Development

Whereas implementation of the Provinces Homes for People plan, designed to accelerate housing development and population growth, will increase pressures on local governments to provide the services necessary to develop and support new housing; And whereas local government service deficits will pose barriers to the development of attainable housing: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province, as part of their housing funding initiatives, to provide funding to local governments for services, including transit, daycare, recreation, garbage collection, and protective services inclu

Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Shelters

Whereas with increasing global migration, Canada is experiencing a rise in the number of people claiming asylum, some of whom do not have accommodation and seek temporary shelter in local emergency shelters, thus taking capacity from the increasing number of local residents experiencing homelessness in many local governments thereby leaving residents without shelter; And whereas immigration and refugee services are a federal responsibility and local governments frequently lack adequate numbers of shelter beds for members of their community: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Provi

Fighting Period Poverty

Whereas almost one quarter of Canadian menstruators say they have struggled to afford menstrual products for themselves or their children period poverty, and that people who are menstruating but do not have menstrual products available to them experience social isolation, financial instability and increased mental health concerns by not being able to attend school, work, or community activities without experiencing stigma and shame; And whereas local governments play a pivotal role in addressing period poverty within their communities, and may need support implementing practical solutions

Funding for Rural and Remote Volunteer Fire Department First Responder Programs

Whereas in rural and remote areas ambulances are not able to get to medical calls in a timely manner because of distances travelled and members of community fire departments are able to arrive on scene much more quickly; And whereas when first on scene first responders of community fire departments can assist the ambulance team by accessing the patient, gathering information, taking vitals and packaging the patient prior to the ambulances arrival; And whereas community fire departments are funded through local government taxes while BC Emergency Health Services are funded through provinc

Pre-Hospital Care - Demands on Local Governments

Whereas the provision of pre-hospital care is a critical aspect of health care in British Columbia and Fire Departments, funded by local governments, have traditionally played a significant role in delivering pre-hospital care and that pre-hospital care falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial government; And whereas the increasing workload related to pre-hospital care, particularly in the area of medical first response, has put significant pressure on local governments arising from the need to allocate additional resources for training, fuel, vehicle maintenance, consumables, and s

Medical Emergency Service Alarm Calls Cost Recovery

Whereas gaps within the BC Ambulance Service BCAS service delivery continue to be filled by local government fire departments, by way of their regular response to a high-volume of Medical Emergency Service Alarm MESA calls; resulting in significant direct costs to local governments; And whereas to date the solution provided by the Province of BC recommends that concerned local governments stop responding to select MESA calls; thus, failing to rectify the gap in service internally or financial impacts externally, and simultaneously shifting the accountability for health decisions onto local

Pre-Hospital Care - Cover Costs of Local Governments

Whereas the provision of pre-hospital care is a critical aspect of health care in British Columbia and Fire Departments, funded by local governments, have traditionally played a significant role in delivering pre-hospital care and that pre-hospital care falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial government; And whereas the increasing workload related to pre-hospital care, particularly in the area of medical first response, has put significant pressure on local governments arising from the need to allocate additional resources for training, fuel, vehicle maintenance, consumables, and s

First Responder Calls by Fire Rescue Departments

Whereas BC fire rescue service departments, operating under career, composite, or volunteer models, are experiencing increased demands in emergency medical response calls in support of the BC Emergency Health Services BCEHS system; And whereas the fire departments that provide these services, authorized under the Emergency Medical Assistant EMA first responder program, currently do not receive remuneration or funding for their critical support within the BCEHS system: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM endorse and advocate to the Province for the establishment of a remuneration system for