Funding Increase for Invasive Mussel Defense Program

Whereas it is widely acknowledged that the infiltration of invasive mussels in British Columbia waterways would have catastrophic environmental and economic impacts on local governments; And whereas the primary mechanism for invasive mussels entering the province is on or in watercraft: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to increase funding for the Invasive Mussel Defense Program, introduce supportive legislation and update the Early Detection, Rapid Response Plan; And be it further resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to wo

Funding for Youth Climate Corps

Whereas local governments recognize the urgent need to address climate change and the impact that climate change is having on communities through extreme weather such as wildfires, floods, and extreme heat, which is causing major infrastructure damage and loss of life to residents; And whereas there is a need to engage young people in local governments, and train the next generation of low carbon sector workers and leaders: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urges the provincial government of British Columbia to expand and scale a Youth Climate Corps that will provide good green jobs and

Funding Model for Emergency Management Responsibilities

Whereas local governments across British Columbia are increasingly being impacted by severe weather events that are creating complex emergency situations; And whereas local governments are legislated to plan for, respond to, and assist their communities in recovering from these emergencies: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the Province of British Columbia to create an annual funding model for local governments to more adequately prepare for each phase of emergency management.

Provincial Regulation of Fireworks

Whereas local governments have the ability to regulate the sale and use of fireworks within their local government boundaries; And whereas there exists discrepancies among local bylaws regulating the sale and use of fireworks across the province and fireworks are also readily available from sources outside of British Columbia and Canada through online purchase; And whereas fireworks are often obtained and used by individuals in an irresponsible manner leading to personal injuries, damage to property, harm to the environment and risk to pets and wildlife; Therefore be it resolved that UB

Intersection Safety Camera Process Transparency

Whereas the process for local governments to request installation of new intersection safety cameras is not well known and there is no clear process regarding decision-making and timelines about future intersection safety cameras, and as a result, municipalities are not able to identify new locations andor secure additional intersection safety cameras; And whereas intersection safety cameras have proven to be an efficient and effective deterrent to ensure compliance with speed and traffic regulations, which exist to ensure road safety and help achieve Vision Zero: Therefore be it resolved

Creating Safer Streets for Everyone with Intersection Safety Cameras

Whereas the City of New Westminster adopted Safe Movement of People as a strategic priority for 2022-2026 and has committed to advance a Vision Zero mindset across the city which aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries; And whereas the Government of BCs Road Safety BC website states that: 1 Most crashes in British Columbia happen at intersections. To reduce injuries and save lives, BC installs intersection safety cameras sometimes called red light cameras at intersections where crashes occur frequently. Warning signs let drivers know the intersection has cameras.

Intersection Cameras for Safer Streets

Whereas most crashes in British Columbia happen at intersections and speed was the number one contributing factor in fatal crashes in BC between 2018 and 2022; And whereas intersection cameras, for both speed and red light infractions, can be implemented quickly and have been proven to be a cost-effective method of improving intersection safety: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the BC government to install speed and red light cameras at all intersections across BC with 20 or more casualty crashes recorded between 2018-2022; And be it further resolved that UBCM call upon the

Intersection Safety Cameras

Whereas intersection safety is a matter of paramount importance for the well-being and security of for the residents and visitors in British Columbia; And whereas intersection safety cameras have been proven to reduce the incidents of traffic violations, collisions, and fatalities at high-risk intersections across various jurisdictions; And whereas several local governments across British Columbia have expressed the desire to install intersection safety cameras at key intersections to enhance road safety and reduce traffic related incidents: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM supports th

Intersection Safety Cameras

Whereas speed continues to be a leading contributor to traffic-related crashes and incidents; And whereas intersection cameras, for both speed and red light infractions, can be implemented quickly while also deterring drivers from speeding and intentionally running red lights: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the BC government to install speed and red light cameras at intersections upon a reasonable request from local municipalities.