Free Transit for Youth 18 and Under

Whereas the Get On Board Program allows children aged 12 and under to ride all BC Transit and TransLink transit services free of charge, and this program saves families money, while offering youth accessible, low-carbon transportation that helps the province and municipalities reach emissions and transportation mode share targets; And whereas encouraging young people to use public transportation early in life can lead to lifelong habits of sustainable and active transportation use, and this in turn can have long-term benefits for local governments in terms of reduced congestion, lower emis

Supporting Free Transit for BC Youth

Whereas the Get On Board Program allows children aged 12 and under to ride all BC Transit and Translink transit services free of charge, and this program saves families money while offering youth low-carbon transportation that helps the Province and municipalities reach emissions and transportation mode share targets; And whereas encouraging young people to use public transportation early in life can lead to lifelong habits of sustainable transportation use, and this in turn can have long-term benefits for cities in terms of reduced congestion, lower emissions, and increased social inclusi

Free Transit for Young People in BC

Whereas the Get on Board Program allows children aged 12 and under to ride all BC Transit and TransLink transit services free of charge, and this program saves families money while offering youth low-carbon transportation that helps the Province and municipalities reach emissions and transportation mode share targets; And whereas encouraging young people to use public transportation early in life can lead to lifelong habits of sustainable transportation use, and this in turn can have long-term benefits for cities in terms of reduced congestion, lower emissions and increased social inclusio

Free Transit for Young People in BC

Whereas the Get On Board Program allows children aged 12 and under to ride all BC Transit and TransLink transit services free of charge, and this program saves families money while offering youth low-carbon transportation that helps the Province and municipalities reach emissions and transportation mode share targets; And whereas encouraging young people to use public transportation early in life can lead to lifelong habits of sustainable transportation use, and this in turn can have long-term benefits for cities in terms of reduced congestion, lower emissions, and increased social inclus

Core Funding for BC Libraries

Whereas BCs libraries have become the widely acknowledged go to place for programs and services that support community cohesion and resilience, connecting and equipping residents to survive and thrive as BC adapts to a fast-changing economy, social conditions and climate change; And whereas BCs libraries are nding it increasingly dicult to meet these new challenges while relying on intermittent, sporadic and unpredictable funding: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of BC implement budgeted annual core funding for BC libraries.

Funding for Community Infrastructure

Whereas the Lower Mainland is seeing unprecedented levels of immigration and increasing pressures to build more housing, roads, employment lands and associated community infrastructure: And whereas there is a need for local governments to meet a variety of servicing demands in rapidly growing communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM advocates for the Province to invest in long term infrastructure programming for communities including for roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and community buildings; And be it further resolved that UBCM advocates to the federal government to renew Inf

Increased Funding for Local Government Infrastructure

Whereas local governments across BC are facing infrastructure funding shortfalls to maintain current infrastructure and as a result are implementing significant municipal tax increases; And whereas continued population growth and housing demand is resulting in the need for local governments to expand their recreation, fire, police, parks, and administration services at a level greater than can be accomplished through the use of the newly introduced Amenity Cost Contribution authority: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Province of British Columbia to provide increased funding

Prioritizing Infrastructure Investments to Support New Housing in Municipalities

Whereas the recent enactment of Bills 44, 46, and 47 Housing Statutes Amendments related to residential development, development financing and transit-oriented areas have mandated increased housing density across the province, thereby accelerating the need for substantial infrastructure investments to support this new housing; And whereas the current provisions of Bills 44, 46, and 47 do not adequately address the full spectrum of infrastructure needs and costs that accompany increased housing density, such as, but not limited to, sewer and water systems, transportation, roads, and active

Federal Funding for BCs Invasive Mussel Defence Program

Whereas invasive mussels represent one of the biggest national and regional transboundary threats to our waterways; And whereas the threat of invasive mussels has dramatically increased with Idaho announcing quagga mussels were detected in the Snake River, a tributary of the Columbia River and less than a days drive to the BC and Alberta borders; And whereas none of the 750 million allocated to the Canada Water Agency addresses this threat or supports existing gaps in BCs Invasive Mussel Defence Program, including the need for additional watercraft inspection stations; And whereas the Pr

Provincial Funding Towards Zebra and Quagga Mussel Prevention

Whereas the presence and proliferation of invasive species, specifically zebra and quagga mussels, pose a significant threat to our provinces aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity, and infrastructure; And whereas the negative impacts of zebra and quagga mussels include the disruption of native ecosystems, damage to water supply infrastructure, and economic implications for industries such as agriculture, fisheries, and tourism; And whereas effective prevention measures require substantial financial resources for research, monitoring, and implementation of strategies to prevent the introduction