Fighting Period Poverty

Whereas almost one quarter of Canadian menstruators say they have struggled to afford menstrual products for themselves or their children period poverty, and that people who are menstruating but do not have menstrual products available to them experience social isolation, financial instability and increased mental health concerns by not being able to attend school, work, or community activities without experiencing stigma and shame; And whereas municipalities play a pivotal role in addressing period poverty within their communities, and may need support implementing practical solutions to

Canadian Coast Guard Lighthouses

Whereasthe Canadian Coast Guard has suddenly, and without prior notice, announced on July 31, 2024, that it intends to remove staff from Carmanah Point and Pachena Point, two west coast light stations in the immediate future at two very strategically located sites at the entry to the Juan de Fuca Strait and along the West Coast Trail, posing a serious threat to the safety of coastal communities, mariners, aviators, the general public, hikers 8,000 per year and the marine environment; And whereas there has been no consultation with First Nations, user groups, the light keepers, the union no

UBCM First Nation Membership

Whereas First Nation representation within the Union of BC Municipalities membership are underrepresented; And whereas the Province of BC has adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM provide an outreach program to British Columbias First Nations on becoming full UBCM members.

Addressing the Needs of Rural Seniors in British Columbia

Whereas rural BC has a proportionately larger and faster growing seniors population than urban BC, yet has less infrastructure and resources to support its aging population; And whereas a greater and more focused provincial response to ongoing concerns about inequities in services and supports for seniors in rural BC is required to address the inadequacies of current approaches to such issues: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM endorse the recommendations of the Office of the Seniors Advocates report titled Challenges Facing BCs Rural Seniors and dated February 2024, as follows: - Develo

Urgent Investment in Healthcare for Central and Northern British Columbia

Whereas healthcare facilities in Central and Northern British Columbia BC are confronting a myriad of pressing challenges, including but not limited to limited emergency room capacity, insufficient operating room hours, inadequate capital upgrades, and critical staffing shortages; And whereas the residents of Central and Northern BC endure significant hardships as they are compelled to undertake extensive journeys to access essential medical procedures, owing to the dearth of specialized healthcare facilities in the region, thereby leading to considerable delays in receiving vital healthca

Consultation with Local Governments

Whereas effective communication, collaboration, and engagement between provincial ministries and local governments are essential to ensure that decisions made at the provincial level are well-informed and considerate of the unique needs and perspectives of local governments; And whereas a lack of meaningful consultation and collaboration between provincial ministries and local governments may lead to unintended consequences, challenges, and dissatisfaction within local communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge all provincial ministries to seek input from local governments durin

Legislative Changes Consultation Process

Whereas the Province of British Columbia implements changes to legislation in anticipation of providing benefit to all British Columbians; And whereas not all rural, remote communities are provided with capacity to fulfill new legislative requirements: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province provide a more fulsome consultation process with local governments of all sizes prior to making sweeping legislative changes.

Highway Active Transportation

Whereas the Province has jurisdiction over provincial highways, many of which are critical active transportation corridors and provide connections to services, workplaces, ferries, parks and recreation areas, and neighbouring communities; And whereas many provincial highways require new or upgraded active transportation infrastructure to enable local governments to realize comprehensive, interconnected, safe, active transportation networks for residents: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Province to assess all provincial highways with active transportation corridors in accord

Expanding Transit in Rural Communities

Whereas adding more routes between our rural communities and more trips on existing routes will benefit our economy, affordable housing strategy, and community development; And whereas an expanded rural transit system will deliver significant GHG reduction, by shifting kilometers travelled from costly and polluting single-occupancy vehicles to high-occupancy buses: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to provide sufficient additional funding to double services in British Columbia regional rural transit systems.

Free Transit for Seniors

Whereas transportation costs can serve as significant barriers to mobility for many BC seniors, and this barrier can contribute to social isolation and adversely affect mental and physical wellbeing; And whereas removing barriers to seniors using transit encourages a shift towards more sustainable transportation, helping lower emissions and reducing congestion, while simultaneously increasing affordability, access to essential services, social inclusion, health and well-being: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to make all public transit free for seniors a