Extreme Heat Response

Whereas the BC Coroners Service attributes 526 deaths to the extreme heat events experienced in southern BC between June and August 2021; And whereas municipalities are on the front line in responding to extreme heat events in terms of providing cooling centres, communicating with the public, outreach to vulnerable citizens, and providing other heat mitigating measures such as misting stations and water sources; And whereas there is currently no mechanism for local governments to receive provincial support for these efforts: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the provincia

Rental Assistance Program Eligibility Criteria

Whereas BC Housings Rental Assistance Program provides critical financial support for low-income families to help with monthly rent payments; And whereas rental assistance is currently only available to families or people with dependent children, while single people do not qualify for assistance; And whereas there is a growing and urgent need for supportive housing for all ages and abilities, including those with developmental disabilities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the provincial government review the eligibility criteria for rental assistance, and implement chan

Re-Investment in Island Coastal Economic Trust

Whereas the Island Coastal Economic Trust will initiate its dissolution in 2023, and local governments, and First Nations across the Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast, and surrounding rural, islands, and inlet communities face immeasurable economic challenges with a need for locally accountable, self-determined finance: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM formally request the provincial government make a generational investment in the renewal and transformation of Island Coastal Economic Trust into a permanent, Environmental, Social and Governance ESG focused, First Nations- and local govern

Legislation Requiring Underwriters to Recognize Fire Apparatus in Excellent Working Condition or that can be Upgraded

Whereas Fire Underwriters Survey recommends to underwriters and requires fire apparatus replacement after an arbitrary length of service regardless of its mechanical condition or actual service hours for fire insurance grading purposes without regard of the fiscal impact on small and rural local governments and its ratepayers; And whereas UBCM has endorsed resolutions over the last 15 years to petition the Province of British Columbia to advocate Fire Underwriters Survey to change its arbitrary and unsustainable requirements and the Province has repeatedly responded by stating that it doe

Pricing Policy for Community Forests

Whereas the tabular stumpage rate system that currently applies to community forest agreements provides the ability for community forests to innovate and invest in community priorities including climate change adaptation, wildfire risk reduction, ecosystem restoration, old growth management, recreational infrastructure development, with community economic development relying upon the current tabular stumpage system and rates; And whereas any change in the current tabular stumpage policy that results in an increased stumpage rates and additional administrative burden for community forest

Homeowner Insurance Availability and Provisions

Whereas homeowner insurance coverage across British Columbia is unavailable or is prohibitively expensive for many homeowners in rural and remote areas or in areas serviced by cable ferries; And whereas homeowner insurance policy provisions across British Columbia are inconsistent, are subject to reductions in coverage when homes are sold or transition from construction insurance to regular homeowner insurance upon occupancy, and many policies cannot be renewed during wildfire season, which is becoming longer and more impactful each year: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the

Library Funding

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local governments, and where provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 10 years; And whereas public libraries are central to communities, provide equitable access to vital resources, including internet, computers, digital library tools and in-person services from expert staff which are essential for low-barrier services and support job seekers and small businesses, that increase literacy in communities, that advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and that promote equity and inclusion:

Minimum Standards of Maintenance and Resources for Residential Tenancy Branch and Local Governments to Support Renter Wellbeing

Whereas there are large gaps in resourcing and legislative authority across institutions and levels of government across BC which leave renters vulnerable to poor and potentially hazardous living conditions depending on where they live, as well as an overwhelming lack of capacity and support for the Residential Tenancy Branch RTB to investigate, support and enforce complaints; And whereas climate change is worsening conditions and vulnerabilities for low-income renters: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of BC to strengthen protection of renters health by undertaking the

Advocacy for Legislation to Protect Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Health

Whereas a healthy environment is essential for the wellbeing of residents, local communities and local economies, and the cumulative impacts of inadequate provincial environmental regulations impose costs and risks on local communities, including risks associated with climate change, drinking water supply, wildfire hazard, flooding, and security of municipal infrastructure, and may undermine local government planning; And whereas in order to protect and restore biological diversity and ecosystem health, and advance the objective of reconciliation, the provincial government has committed t

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Whereas global governments and the fossil fuel industry are currently planning to produce about 120 more emissions by 2030 than what is needed to limit warming to 1.5C and avert catastrophic climate disruption, and such plans risk undoing the work of our city to reduce GHG emissions, and ignore the health, justice, and economic that a Just Transition would bring to all communities, especially those where fossil fuel extraction is entrenched; And whereas the construction of new fossil fuel infrastructure and expanded reliance on fossil fuels exposes communities to untenable risks to public