Pricing Policy for Community Forests

Central Kootenay RD

Whereas the tabular stumpage rate system that currently applies to community forest agreements provides the ability for community forests to innovate and invest in community priorities including climate change adaptation, wildfire risk reduction, ecosystem restoration, old growth management, recreational infrastructure development, with community economic development relying upon the current tabular stumpage system and rates; And whereas any change in the current tabular stumpage policy that results in an increased stumpage rates and additional administrative burden for community forest tenures will greatly reduce and undermine the capacity of community forests to provide key socio-economic benefits to the communities that they support: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of British Columbia to maintain the tabular rate structure for community forest agreements in order to enable community forest agreement holders to implement modernized forest policies and to meet the full range of community objectives while operating viable businesses.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests The work on policy intention 18 Revising area-based tenure-specific pricing policy in the Intentions Paper is still ongoing and no decisions have been made. The government is committed to engaging with the BC Community Forest Association as they work through the policy analysis. Revising tenure disposition considerations is part of the Strengthening the Social Contract goal for modernizing forest policy. Addressing differences between Community Forest Agreements and First Nations Woodland Licenses is part of the Intentions Paper. Governments intention is to ensure communities are able to continue to provide benefits to their citizens since Community Forest Agreements are an important source of revenue for supporting local priorities and community initiatives. Intentions Paper policy 18 is in the initial stages and will consider the size of community forests and their economic viability. The benefits many communities receive from the existing model will be a key consideration in my decision. Intentions Paper URL:…

Convention Decision