Accessing Vehicular Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data

Whereas local governments are unable to obtain accurate data that quantifies the transportation emissions in their municipality or region, in order to develop local action plans to reduce greenhouse gas GHG emissions from this sector; And whereas the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 targets a 25 reduction in kilometers driven by personal vehicles compared to 2020: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province require ICBC to provide access to the detailed registry database that includes vehicle make, model and year, by complete postal code, so a better estimate of greenhouse gas emissi

Shift to Non-Fuel-Based User-Pay Taxation Mechanisms to Fund Road Infrastructure in Rural Areas of BC

Whereas the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is challenged by a lack of funding to adequately maintain rural roads and highway infrastructure in BC; And whereas there is an imperative to move towards electrification and alternative fuels that dont pay into the established road and gas tax funding mechanism: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the provincial government to shift taxation for road infrastructure to a more equitable, user-pay model through alternative funding mechanisms such as tolling, vehicle taxes, or other means that are not reliant on fuel sales.

Hybrid UBCM Conferences

Whereas UBCM was established to represent local governments of all sizes and from all areas of the province, but elected officials from small and remote areas are not equally able to attend in person conferences; And whereas UBCM has recognized the importance of reducing GHG emissions in response to the global climate emergency, but there are significant GHG emissions associated with travel and accommodation at conferences: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM establish options for electronic attendance at the annual UBCM conference that, at a minimum, give access to all speeches and infor

Tabular Rate Structure

Whereas the tabular stumpage rate system that currently applies to community forest agreements provides the means through which community forests innovate, operate in contentious areas, invest in long-term forest stewardship, and provide jobs and other benefits to their communities; And whereas any change in the current tabular stumpage policy that results in an increased stumpage rates and additional administrative burden for community forest tenures will greatly reduce and undermine the capacity of community forests to provide key socio-economic benefits to the communities that they supp

Pricing Policy for Community Forests

Whereas the tabular stumpage rate system that currently applies to community forest agreements provides the means through which community forests innovate, operate in contentious areas, invest in long-term forest stewardship and provide jobs and other benefits to their communities; And whereas the ability of community forests to innovate and invest in community priorities including climate change adaptation, wildfire risk reduction, ecosystem restoration, old growth management, recreational infrastructure development, and community economic development relies upon the current stumpage rate

Provincial Responsibility for Flood Protection

Whereas climate change has led to an increased frequency and severity of extreme weather emergencies and disasters, including flooding events; And whereas recent events have provided further evidence that BC local governments do not have the financial or human resources to conduct all necessary work e.g. maintenance and repair of key infrastructure in order to effectively address flood risks: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia significantly increase its level of funding and assume greater responsibility for flood preparedness and mitigation.

New Provincial Mandate and Funding for 9-1-1

Whereas 9-1-1 is an essential public safety service and emergency preparedness tool and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has mandated the rollout of Next Generation 9-1-1 to move to calls to digital or IP-based infrastructure by March 1, 2025; And whereas E-Comm has communicated the need for a significant additional funding commitment from its local government service partners in 2022 and beyond, yet there is no provincially-governed agency responsible for the planning, operation and coordination of 9-1-1 services in BC; And whereas local governments in B.C

Micromobility Users Insurance

Whereas those who choose to cycle, scoot or roll on public streets are subject to similar rights and duties as the driver of a motor vehicle; And whereas those drivers who are currently licensed and insured may also use other self-propelled or electrified means to travel which reduces the risk and costs to ICBC while their insured vehicles are parked at home: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to instruct ICBC to examine the provincial insurance regime to expand insurance policy options to remove any barriers to micromobility users self-propelled or electrified devices.

Review of the Regulatory Environment Pertaining to E-Mobility Devices

Whereas the Province is committed to expand and improve options for low or zero emission transportation modes and make active transportation safer and more convenient for everyone; And whereas the Province aims to double the percentage of active transportation trips taken by 2030; And whereas in addition to electric kick scooters there is a growing number of other electrified devices such as electric skateboards, electric unicycles or one-wheels: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to review the Motor Vehicle Act regulations to enable local governments to pilot the oper

Policing Costs Related to Provincial Facilities

Whereas local governments are facing unprecedented costs for the provision of policing services in their communities; And whereas the provincial government, through the provision of certain, albeit needed, facilities has not taken into account the incremental operational impacts that such facilities may have on the host communities; And whereas policing resources, which are paid for by local property taxes, are being extensively utilized to respond to service calls related to these provincial facilities even though the services being provided at the facilities are usually for citizens t