Review of the Regulatory Environment Pertaining to E-Mobility Devices


Whereas the Province is committed to expand and improve options for low or zero emission transportation modes and make active transportation safer and more convenient for everyone; And whereas the Province aims to double the percentage of active transportation trips taken by 2030; And whereas in addition to electric kick scooters there is a growing number of other electrified devices such as electric skateboards, electric unicycles or one-wheels: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to review the Motor Vehicle Act regulations to enable local governments to pilot the operation of a broader suite of e-mobility devices to increase the choice of active modes and improve safety for vulnerable road users.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The 2019 amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act have enabled the ministry to research, test and evaluate emerging transportation technologies. In April 2021, the Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Project Regulation came into force to allow the piloted use of electric kick scooters in participating communities, which as of September 2022 spans 12 municipalities. This three-year pilot project lets us work with participating communities to evaluate the potential of electric kick scooters to support active transportation while enhancing safety for vulnerable road users. The outcome of the current pilot will inform the future use and regulation of emerging personal e-mobility devices on our roads. As part of the provincial governments commitment to release a Clean Transportation Action Plan in 2023, ministry staff are continuing to review existing legislative and regulatory frameworks in support of active transportation, such as safe use and regulation of emerging technologies and the safety of vulnerable road users. The review is important work to support a future-ready, safe, sustainable, and multi-modal transportation network on roads across the province.

Convention Decision