Policing Costs Related to Provincial Facilities


Whereas local governments are facing unprecedented costs for the provision of policing services in their communities; And whereas the provincial government, through the provision of certain, albeit needed, facilities has not taken into account the incremental operational impacts that such facilities may have on the host communities; And whereas policing resources, which are paid for by local property taxes, are being extensively utilized to respond to service calls related to these provincial facilities even though the services being provided at the facilities are usually for citizens throughout the broader region or, in some cases, across the province: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to recognize and ensure that adequate funding, or provincially funded police resources, be provided to the host local government in order to offset the additional operational impacts that certain provincial facilities have on policing services in that community.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The ministry understands the importance that provincial and municipal police resource levels and service delivery at integrated detachments are accountable to and commensurate with the workload generated by the respective jurisdictions. Jurisdictional responsibilities are defined within the BC Police Act, whereby municipalities above 5,000 population are responsible for providing and funding all necessary policing and law enforcement within their municipalities; and the Province is responsible to provide policing to unincorporated areas and municipalities under 5,000 population. The Police Act currently does not articulate exceptions for provincial facilities which are located within municipal boundaries. On April 28, 2022, the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act released its report and recommendations. Creating a fair and equitable shared funding model for municipalities is recommendation 6 in the report. The report recommends reviewing the funding model and considering local needs and geography of the service delivery area. The ministry has carefully reviewed and analyzed the report and will take a phased approach in responding to the recommendations and will also undertake broader engagement to meaningfully address the Special Committees recommendations. Beginning in May 2022, the ministrys Policing and Security Branch and UBCM have been co-chairing the Local Government Policing Modernization Roundtable. This forum analyzes and discusses the report recommendations that impact local governments. The branch will continue to meet regularly with the roundtable and will undertake broader engagement to address the Special Committees recommendations.

Convention Decision