Explore Vacancy Control

Whereas vacancy control does not apply to new construction and developers will still have incentive to build new units; And whereas in BC there are mechanisms through which a landlord may apply to the Residential Tenancy Branch for an additional rent increase if they have incurred eligible capital expenditures or expenses to the residential property in which the rental unit is located; And whereas rents continue to rise faster than inflation and the provincially allowable rent increases and the loss of stable rental housing stock and displaced renters adversely affects local economy, co

Speculation and Vacancy Tax Review

Whereas housing availability and affordability impacts the health, social and economic well-being of communities; And whereas the provincial speculation and vacancy tax generates revenues to support affordable housing initiatives in the areas where the tax is collected, but is currently only applicable in large urban centres: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to consult with local governments on an evaluation of the Speculation and Vacancy Tax Act including a review of the specified areas and the impact on areas adjacent to the designated taxable regions.

Managed Forest Land Valuation

Whereas the 2022 Assessment Roll marks the third year that the land value component of the formula for valuation of Managed Forest Land has been frozen; And whereas the valuation formula for Managed Forest Land remains under review by BC Assessment, the Province and Industry: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask BC Assessment and the Province to conclude the Class 7 Valuation Formula review and implement an understandable, fair and transparent formula for Managed Forest Land valuation.

Pesticide Use Within Community Drinking Water Supply Areas

Whereas the Integrated Pest Management Act regulates the use of pesticides and herbicides on private land that is managed by forestry; And whereas the provision of safe drinking water is a priority for local governments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of British Columbia enhance the tools set out in the Integrated Pest Management Act regulation on the use of pesticides within a community drinking water supply area to require Pest Management Plans, referrals and reporting to local governments, and monitoring of residual chemicals at water intakes and points o

Safe and Clean Affordable Housing

Whereas the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction funds housing for low income clients; And whereas the clients often arrange for monthly payments of rent directly to the landlord; And whereas these forms of housing often do not meet minimum safety and cleanliness standards: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM urge the provincial government to ensure they are funding clients to live in safe and clean affordable housing.

Health Canada Increased Cannabis Regulation Resources

Whereas medical cannabis and commercial cannabis production are regulated by the federal government under the federal Cannabis Act and regulations; And whereas Health Canada is responsible for managing risks posed to public health and safety in connection with cannabis through a variety of compliance and enforcement activities; And whereas cannabis production operations may cause disturbing odours that impact the surrounding community: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that Health Canada be required to increase the resources adequate to manage compliance and enforcement of regu

Expanding the Fare-Free Transit Program

Whereas the BC Governments fare-free transit program for youth aged 12 and under grade 6 saves families money while offering youth low-carbon transportation that helps the province and municipalities reach carbon neutrality targets; And whereas expanding eligibility to those aged 13 and under grade 7 would reduce the current disparity between the have fare-free and those who have not within middle schools: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM endorse a request that the Province of BC expands the fare-free transit program for youth aged 13 and under grade 7.

Tiny Home Building Standard

Whereas part of the solution to the critical lack of affordable and available housing in the province is increasing the diversity of housing available, and tiny homes, which are a compact, potentially movable, home with all the amenities of a dwelling unit is one way to expand the variety of housing available, but which currently do not have a specific building code or descriptive building code standards which creates a variety of barriers to their adoption; And whereas establishing minimum standards to address health and safety is essential to recognizing tiny homes as dwelling units and

Prioritizing Provincial Funding for Large Transit Expansions

Whereas transit systems across BC would benefit from expanded service hours to better serve residents and enable them to travel efficiently; And whereas to remain in line with regional and provincial strategic goals for sustainable transportation, larger expansions of transit systems are necessary as they move regions and municipalities towards common goals and improve transit for a greater portion of the population: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and BC Transit to prioritize large transit expansions when determining allocation

Legislative Reform Initiative

Whereas regional districts are limited in their legislative authority in comparison with municipalities in several key areas such as business licensing authority, subdivision approval, regulation of fireworks discharge, parking enforcement, tree management, and taxation and funding models; And whereas the social, political and economic environments that local governments operate within continue to evolve in areas such as climate change, environmental stewardship and a recognition of the importance of First Nations participation in regional governance, and these realities should be reflect