Managed Forest Land Valuation

Cowichan Valley RD

Whereas the 2022 Assessment Roll marks the third year that the land value component of the formula for valuation of Managed Forest Land has been frozen; And whereas the valuation formula for Managed Forest Land remains under review by BC Assessment, the Province and Industry: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask BC Assessment and the Province to conclude the Class 7 Valuation Formula review and implement an understandable, fair and transparent formula for Managed Forest Land valuation.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Finance The Ministries of Forests, and Finance, BC Assessment and the Private Managed Forest Landowners Association PMFLA continue to work on a solution for updating the methodology for valuing managed forest properties. Any new methodology must ensure the model result in values that are fair, transparent, equitable and, reasonable and consistent with the programs intent to promote sustainable forest management practices of private lands. Considerable progress has been made, and currently the PMFLA and the Managed Forest Council are reviewing a proposed methodology for potential implementation.

Convention Decision