Local Government Incentives for Climate Change Resiliency

Whereas local governments are well positioned and well suited to take the lead on addressing climate change arising particularly from their influence over municipal operations, buildings and vehicle fleets as well as through decision on land use, transportation and infrastructure; And whereas the Province of BC recognizes the vital role of local governments in climate action and the importance of supporting local government climate and resiliency goals with predictable funding, legislation, and actively engaging in partnerships with local governments to advance climate action in our commun

Funding for Water Improvement Districts

Whereas competition for limited Community Works Funds allocated to regional districts is very strong; And whereas water improvement districts have minimal options for grant funding to upgrade aging water systems and costs to upgrade aging water systems would be borne by regional districts if water improvement districts dissolve: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province for a one-time, new fund to bring all rural water systems operated by improvement districts into compliance with health regulations.

Emergency Equipment Provincial Sales Tax Rebate

Whereas local governments support local fire services with equipment and apparatus to provide fire, road rescue and first responder services to communities, and there are limited opportunities for grants to support these large capital expenditures; And whereas the costs for this type of equipment is costly, Goods and Services Tax GST is 100 returned to local governments; however, Provincial Sales Tax PST is an expense added to the cost of equipment: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to provide Provincial Sales Tax rebates for purchasing emergency equipme

Emergency Equipment Provincial Procurement

Whereas local governments support local fire services with equipment and apparatus to support fire, road rescue and first responder services, and there are limited opportunities for grants to support these large capital expenditures; And whereas the provincial government as representatives for local government could leverage savings in purchasing emergency equipment in bulk to supply at a reduced cost to communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to provide opportunities for local governments to purchase emergency equipment through the Provincial Proc

Community Housing Development Supports

Whereas many rural local governments in British Columbia are experiencing elevated demand for supply across the housing spectrum and have an interest in commissioning residential construction to meet the housing deficit but lack the technical resources to procure it; And whereas Infrastructure BC supports the public sector by providing leadership in the procurement of complex capital projects: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM to lobby the provincial government to broaden the mandate of Infrastructure BC to facilitate the delivery of strategic housing projects on behalf of petitioning lo

Partnerships for Fare-Free Public Transit

Whereas equitable access to mobility is fundamental to full and meaningful participation in local communities, including access to education, employment, services, recreation, culture and community life; And whereas the Province of British Columbia has shown leadership by eliminating user-fee barriers to public transit ridership for people 12 years of age and under; And whereas emissions from transportation generate a majority of community-based emissions in many communities, meaning that changes in transportation options have the potential to have a substantial impact in reducing green-h

Non-Profit Housing Acquisition Strategy

Whereas to expand the supply of community and affordable housing, experts tasked with delivering the final report of the Canada-British Columbia Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability recommend that: The federal and provincial governments independently or jointly create an acquisition fund to enable non-profit housing organizations to acquire currently affordable housing properties at risk of being repriced or redeveloped into more expensive units.

Legal Aid Funding for Tenancy Issues

Whereas the provincial government has pledged to alleviate the rental housing crisis, strengthen tenant protections, and expand the efficacy of the Residential Tenancy Branch; And whereas BC is in the midst of a housing crisis which has pushed many tenants into vulnerable living situations and legal aid funding for tenancy issues would provide tenants with a fair opportunity to participate in the adjudication of their tenancy issues: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM advocate that the provincial government reinstate the funding of poverty law legal aid for tenancy issues.

Guaranteed Livable Basic Income

Whereas poverty has a downstream effect on local governments, putting unsustainable pressure on their limited resources to deliver necessary public services and social supports as they struggle to keep up with downloaded responsibilities; And whereas basic income addresses key social determinants of health, such as income and housing, it can alleviate pressures on local governments to address poverty and fill gaps in social supports, such as shelter, housing, food security and mental health: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Government of Canada to implement a Guaranteed Liva

Advocacy for Liveable Income Support Programs

Whereas adequate incomes are essential for the wellbeing of community members and families; And whereas the current level of Income Assistance is not sufficient to cover the cost of the necessities of life, a problem made worse by sharp increases in the cost of housing, food, transportation and other human needs: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia revise provincial Income Assistance programs to provide a liveable income for seniors, people with disabilities, and community members living in poverty.