Equitable Police Funding Model

Whereas the current RCMP policing model sees BC municipalities over 5,000 in population pay the full provincial cost share either 70 percent or 90 percent depending on the size, while unincorporated areas, and municipalities under 5,000 in population pay the provincial police tax rate, which covers up to 50 percent of the estimated cost of policing; And whereas due to this system there is an inequity perceived by municipalities and their taxpayers due to the Province subsidizing policing costs for some taxpayers and not others: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial g

RCMP Costs for Municipalities

Whereas municipalities between 5,000 and 14,999 in population pay 70 of RCMP costs and municipalities over 15,000 in population pay 90 of RCMP costs which is the largest cost centre in a local governments operating budget; And whereas RCMP contract policing wage increases are imminent with the implementation of a unionized workforce within the next two years which will place an additional financial burden on municipalities: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the provincial government to implement a police funding formula that fairly and equitably distributes RCMP expenses to all

Comprehensive Training Model for RCMP Members

Whereas RCMP costs are borne by local governments, as well as the provincial and federal governments; And whereas the Municipal Police Services Agreement between BC and Canada includes costs for RCMP training; And whereas local governments have different policing and training needs based on factors such as crime rates and patterns, population size, and cultural, social and economic circumstances; And whereas law enforcement officers have increased needs for specialized training to safely respond to complex and challenging situations in multi-cultural urban and rural environments: Theref

Criminal Justice Reform for Repeat, Convicted Offenders

Whereas the RCMP are overworked and understaffed in the Province of BC; And whereas many BC residents are frustrated with the low sanction sentences imposed by the Provincial Court criminal justice system; And whereas criminals may not choose the path to recovery as provided for by various provincial, federal, or First Nations government-created mental health programs, Indigenous court systems, reform programs, safe injection sites, methadone, or Opioid Agonist Treatment OAT clinics; And whereas many thefts and drug-related crimes are perpetrated by criminals who are well known to police

Stronger SentencingMonitoring for ProlificRepeat Offenders

Whereas Williams Lake has repeatedly called for stronger sentencing for prolific and repeat offenders being released into the community; And whereas the judiciary has consistently failed to adequately ensure community safety when releasing prolific and repeat offenders on conditions: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the provincial and federal governments to enact legislative and regulatory changes to the criminal justice system to apply stricter penalties and ensure adequate incarceration of prolific criminals, including consistent use of electronic monitoring when released on

Improved Efficiencies in the Prosecution of Criminal Offences

Whereas the BC Crown Counsel Policy Manuals guidelines regarding charge assessment states that unless impracticable to do so, police will lay an Information charging a person with an offence only after approval of charges by Crown Counsel has been given; And whereas police responsibilities regarding disclosure in criminal and regulatory offence proceedings is defined in the Disclosure Memorandum of Understanding between the BC Prosecution Service, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada BC and all BC police agencies, Crown Counsels responsibility in accordance with the Crown Counsel Act,

Parental Leave for Elected Officials

Whereas the Local Government Act and Community Charter do not provide maternity and parental leave rights to elected officials; And whereas the absence of maternity and parental leave for local elected officials specifically disadvantages young and female candidates running for office and, hence, is a systemic barrier to attracting more diverse and representative candidates to local government: Therefore, be it resolved that prior to the next local government elections in 2022, UBCM work with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Gender Equity Office to amend the Local Government Act

Provincial Changes in Emergency Management

Whereas the provincial government is modernizing elements of the emergency program that directly affects local authorities ability to meet legislated emergency management responsibilities; And whereas Emergency Management BCs publication of the Financial Assistance for Emergency Response Costs, A Guide for BC First Nations and Local Authorities 2020, demonstrates the need for and lack of meaningful consultation with, and consideration of, local authorities role in emergency management and of the relationship as defined in the Community Charter: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM establis

Acceptance of Regional Growth Strategy

Whereas the Local Government Act requires that a regional growth strategy RGS be accepted by affected local governments as defined in Section 4363, including the board of a regional district that is adjoining the area to which the RGS is to apply; And whereas by virtue of their relative proximity to the area to which the RGS is to apply, municipalities within the adjoining regional district may be more directly affected or have interests greater than those of the regional district as a whole, but are not directly consulted or required to accept the RGS: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM