Whereas the RCMP are overworked and understaffed in the Province of BC; And whereas many BC residents are frustrated with the low sanction sentences imposed by the Provincial Court criminal justice system; And whereas criminals may not choose the path to recovery as provided for by various provincial, federal, or First Nations government-created mental health programs, Indigenous court systems, reform programs, safe injection sites, methadone, or Opioid Agonist Treatment OAT clinics; And whereas many thefts and drug-related crimes are perpetrated by criminals who are well known to police and have multiple or long criminal records: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC and the BCs Attorney General immediately begin working with the Government of Canada to address issues with Canadas and British Columbias justice system including the proposed imposition of weightier consequences and greater accountability for repeat offenders, thereby supporting the rights of all Canadians to live in safe communities.