Multi-Jurisdictional Cooperation

Whereas legislation does not provide regional districts authority to enforce regulatory bylaws on Crown Land and Road Rights-of-Way in Electoral Areas; And whereas clarity on responsibility for enforcement in rural areas is required for constituents for issues that may cross federal, provincial, First Nation andor regional district jurisdiction; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to develop a formal multi-jurisdictional process for working in conjunction with lead agencies and governing bodies including local governments to resolve outstanding regulatory enf

Tree Management in Electoral Areas

Whereas regional districts have limited regulatory authority for tree management except in relation to protection from certain natural hazards; And whereas electoral areas have similar concerns and objectives as municipalities in terms of other important aspects of tree management including maintaining tree cover and protecting heritage trees and watershed health; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to amend the Local Government Act to provide broader tree management authority to regional districts equivalent to the authority granted by legislation to

Wood Fiber Availability for Value Added Manufacturing Facilities

Whereas there is a shortage of available wood fiber supplies in British Columbia for value added manufacturing facilities; And whereas the province has indicated that value added products are vital to the future of our forest industry: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to increase the availability of wood fiber for value added manufacturing facilities.

BC Hydro Pole Rental Sales

Whereas high-speed internet is essential for the social and economic well-being of smaller rural communities and being without it brings significant challenges in todays digital economy; And whereas hydro poles reach the majority of homes in rural communities, internet service providers ISPs often rent space on infrastructure such as poles owned by BC Hydro to attach and carry the transmission lines to provide service to their customers; And whereas pole rental fees are often cost prohibitive in the business model for rural broadband and are harming broadband deployment, network upgrades,

BCUC Regulatory Regime and Inquiry into the Regulation of Municipal Energy Utilities

Whereas the British Columbia Utilities Commission BCUC - grounded in 20th-Century needs and priorities, with its core function as a traditional economic regulator enforcing the regulatory compact balancing services, rates and investor returns -established an inquiry, by Order G-177-19, dated August 1, 2019, to examine the regulation of energy utilities affiliated with municipalities and regional districts including exploring the regulatory status of different ownership structures and operational arrangements and the current municipal exclusion under the Utilities Commission Act; And wherea

Rural Broadband Connectivity

Whereas provincial and federal funding programs to improve rural broadband connectivity require an applicant to have experience building and operating broadband infrastructure networks, rendering many local governments dependent on private Internet service providers to select which project areas can apply for funding; And whereas there is a lack of telecommunications industry transparency around levels of service, leading to mapping discrepancies on the National Broadband Internet Service Availability Map, which creates significant challenges when applying for funding: Therefore be it re

Ensuring Access to Broadband and Cellular Services in BC

Whereas broadband and cellular services are essential components of sustainable, resilient, and vibrant communities; And whereas there are still considerable impediments to overcome in looking to the private sector providing meaningful, cost effective service to rural and remote communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the federal and provincial governments to directly invest in the ownership and development of the needed capital infrastructure to facilitate effective, efficient and cost effective broadband services in rural and remote communities where a private sector busi

Amendments to the Aquaculture Act

Whereas aquaculture is an important economic driver for the Province of British Columbia, particularly on Vancouver Island; And whereas the proposed Aquaculture Act must ensure decisions are based on scientific facts and technology, and take into consideration all stakeholder input: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM urge the Province to lobby the federal government to ensure that the proposed Aquaculture Act include language which ensures that all decisions on the management of aquaculture on the BC Coastline are based on science and evidence-based information with clear understandin

Watershed Security

Whereas watershed security is recognized as central to the health and well-being of British Columbians with over 80 percent asserting that ongoing access to abundant clean fresh water in their regions is essential to health, food security, salmon, fire safety, jobs, economic well-being, and overall quality of life, both today, and in the years to come; And whereas the Province of BC has committed to lead work to protect clean water through the creation of a Watershed Security Strategy and Watershed Security Fund; And whereas the Watershed Security Fund is an essential mechanism for impl

Risk Assessments of Potential Threats to Natural Assets

Whereas local governments are working to prepare their communities for the impacts of climate change including increased severity of rain events, floods, fires, landslides and droughts, by working to develop co-governance and management plans and investing in the assessment, monitoring and, where appropriate, restoration of natural assets such as forests and creeks that provide vital ecosystems services; And whereas the provincial government issues forestry and mining operating licenses and permits for the industrial activity taking place on Crown Lands and where these projects could have