Ensuring Access to Broadband and Cellular Services in BC

Cariboo RD

Whereas broadband and cellular services are essential components of sustainable, resilient, and vibrant communities; And whereas there are still considerable impediments to overcome in looking to the private sector providing meaningful, cost effective service to rural and remote communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the federal and provincial governments to directly invest in the ownership and development of the needed capital infrastructure to facilitate effective, efficient and cost effective broadband services in rural and remote communities where a private sector business case does not exist.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Citizens Services Telecommunications networks will undergo substantial change in the coming years, as the companies that operate them upgrade their technology. The Provinces strategy is to encourage investment and promote competition in fibre broadband networks. To help more British Columbians, in more communities, get access to fast and affordable networks, the Province has committed to supporting competition, leveraging investments, and forming new partnerships to bring world-class internet to places across the province. The Province is also focused on removing regulatory barriers and improving investment incentives with the goal of speeding up broadband deployment and is also working to promote greater coordination and cooperation between service providers along with community support. Many communities have taken steps to improve their internet speeds by entering into new partnerships to deliver faster internet connections. Connecting British Columbia program grants have helped to encourage connectivity investments in rural and Indigenous communities where low populations and difficult geography can be a challenge. To advance this work, the Province has committed 190 million since 2017 to eligible internet service providers that invest in bringing high-speed internet to unserved and underserved rural areas. Support from the Ministry of Citizens Services is available, from planning to creating a positive cycle of investment, as providers in many communities continuously upgrade their networks and improve their offerings.

Convention Decision