UBCM is seeking to appoint local government representatives from RCMP-policed jurisdictions to the Local Government Contract Management Committee (LGCMC). There are five vacancies that are required to be filled by local government elected officials or staff members.
The LGCMC Terms of Reference stipulates that the Committee consist of nine representatives from local governments policed by the RCMP. The following categories require local government appointments:
- Community with population over 15,000, from outside the Lower Mainland RCMP District (1 representative, 2-year term);
- Community with population over 15,000, from the Lower Mainland RCMP District, and within the Metro Vancouver Regional District (1 representative, 2-year term);
- Community with population between 5,000 and 15,000 (1 representative, 2-year term);
- Community with population under 5,000 (1 representative, 2-year term); and,
- Regional District (1 representative, 2-year term).
The Local Government Contract Management Committee is a forum for consultation, analysis and communication between local governments and the Province regarding the management of the Police Services Agreement under which the RCMP provide policing in B.C.
The Committee is mandated to analyze and respond to changes proposed by the federal government and/or RCMP that impact governance and/or cost containment of the Police Service Agreement. As noted in the Municipal Police Unit Agreement, “the Committee will work towards the goal of providing an efficient and effective police service in support of the administration of justice to all municipalities in the province that receive policing services from the RCMP and to meet the evolving needs of policing in the province.”
The Committee will hold at least four meetings per year, to be held virtually or at the UBCM office located in Richmond, B.C. Elected officials shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses, in accordance with UBCM policy.
Interested parties are asked to contact Bhar Sihota, UBCM Senior Policy Analyst, by February 7, 2025. The UBCM Executive will consider LGCMC nominations at an upcoming meeting, with all nominees to be subsequently informed of the Board’s decision.