Local Air Quality Monitoring

Whereas many small rural Northeast communities are surrounded by oil and gas activity; And whereas high levels of emissions andor particulates may create negative health outcomes: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of British Columbia provide local air quality monitoring for emissions as well as particulates for small rural communities surrounded by oil and gas activity.

Rural Homelessness - Crown Land Encampments

Whereas homelessness is a challenge facing both urban and rural communities; And whereas electoral areas have the least ability to address homelessness, in that they are by their very nature remote from health, social, police and other services and the minimal tax bases cannot support the hard and soft infrastructure required to address homelessness; And whereas the provinces response to homeless encampments on Crown land has been inconsistent or ad-hoc in nature, sometimes relocating encampments without taking into account impacts on rural communities and regional district resources

Support for Property Assessed Clean Energy Legislation for BC

Whereas climate change is the greatest threat to our municipalities; And whereas the pillars of the Clean BC program include better buildings, incentivizing retrofits and upgrading BCs stock of public housing so residents, many of whom are low income families or seniors, can live in a more energy efficient, healthier, and comfortable home; And whereas the cost of clean energy infrastructure is a major barrier for low and middle income earners, as well as small businesses and municipalities; And whereas Property Assessed Clean Energy PACE legislation has proven to be effective in financin

Supporting Vancouvers Initiative to Empower Cities to Set Lower, Safer Speed Zones on Some Local Streets

Whereas the Motor Vehicle Act MVA currently stipulates a speed limit of 50 kilometres per hour kmh within city limits in British Columbia municipalities; And whereas the probability of pedestrian survival is only 20 if struck by a motor vehicle travelling at 50 kmh, yet the expected survival rate rises to 90 if vehicle speed is reduced to 30 kmh; And whereas limiting car speed to 30 kmh in residential areas better supports road-sharing with public transit and active transportation modes such as cycling and walking, helps discourage rat-running behaviour by drivers, and improves the safe

Climate Emergency Declaration

Whereas in 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC released a Special Report stating that emissions must decline by 45 from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 in order to avoid severe climate change impacts; And whereas the World Health organization has declared climate change to be the number one health emergency of our time; And whereas local governments and cities are globally taking the lead on climate action, with more than 90 cities in the USA committing to 100 renewable energy by 2050, 15 cities in Canada committing to 100 renewable energy by 2050, an

Support for Local Government Inclusion in the BC Poverty Reduction Strategy

Whereas BCs First Poverty Reduction Strategy is a great step in the right direction toward decreasing the escalating rates of poverty and inequity in BC; And whereas poverty has different appearances and challenges in every community, and community staff, officials, and organizations have invaluable insights and solutions to contribute: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia include grants for local governments and community non-governmental agencies in the Poverty Reduction Strategy, in order for communities to work with the Province to build vibrant communities

Support for Small Business and Creation of Non Residential Sub Classes in Property Tax Assessment

Whereas the price of land in our region has caused dislocations and hardships for small businesses in our communities, resulting in negative effects on rental options for homes and some businesses, with such dislocations creating many damages and posing a risk to general economic development; And whereas our municipalities have an obligation to find ways and advocate for the means to reduce the harms affecting to our communities: Therefore be it resolved the Province of British Columbia work with municipalities to make the necessary legislative and regulatory changes to enable implementat

Climate Accountability

Whereas an overwhelming scientific consensus maintains that climate change, the single greatest threat to the future of the planet, is due primarily to the human use of fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air; And whereas fossil fuel producers are collectively responsible through their operations and products for almost 30 of human-caused greenhouse gases, and taxpayers are bearing the entire burden of the climate costs caused by fossil fuels, while fossil fuel producers continue to make significant profit from selling them: Therefore be it reso

Clean-Up of Needles and Other Harm Reduction Paraphernalia

Whereas the low barrier distribution of harm reduction supplies, including syringes and other safe injection supplies, in communities across BC poses a significant safety and cleanliness concern; And whereas local governments, businesses and residents are bearing the escalating cost of cleaning up needles and drug paraphernalia in public spaces: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request ongoing provincial funding to local governments to cover the cost of cleaning up needles and drug paraphernalia in their communities.

Proceeds of Crime

Whereas the provision of police services places a significant financial burden on local government; And whereas the Civil Forfeiture Crime Prevention and Crime Remediation Grant Program funds community crime reduction and crime prevention activities, but does not address local government policing costs, including expenditures related to investigations and police work that result in seizures of proceeds of crime: Therefore be it resolved that the Province share seizures of proceeds of crime with local governments to help address protective services costs.