Support for Local Government Inclusion in the BC Poverty Reduction Strategy

Port Moody

Whereas BCs First Poverty Reduction Strategy is a great step in the right direction toward decreasing the escalating rates of poverty and inequity in BC; And whereas poverty has different appearances and challenges in every community, and community staff, officials, and organizations have invaluable insights and solutions to contribute: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia include grants for local governments and community non-governmental agencies in the Poverty Reduction Strategy, in order for communities to work with the Province to build vibrant communities by investing in community expertise, to prevent poverty by breaking the cycle, to alleviate the hardship of poverty through improved services, and to enable British Columbians to exit poverty by building capacity.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Government is committed to supporting local governments seeking to reduce poverty, decrease inequality, and build vibrant communities. TogetherBC, BCs first poverty reduction strategy, encompasses a cross-jurisdictional approach, in recognition that reducing poverty requires governments at all levels working together and in partnership with community to succeed. To that end, Government has introduced two new provincial programs to assist local governments and organizations in their efforts to address poverty and homelessness in their communities: - The Poverty Reduction Community Program provides support for local governments to develop plans and projects in support of TogetherBC. - The Homelessness Community Action Program supports community-based research and action, including demonstration projects, partnerships and other collaborative initiatives, to meet the needs of those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended