Extension of Vacancy Taxation Authority to Local Governments

Whereas the Province of British Columbia responded to a housing affordability crisis in 2016 with legislation empowering the City of Vancouver to introduce a surtax on vacant residential properties, resulting in 38-million in revenues for that community in 2018 and creating a strong disincentive to leaving properties vacant; And whereas communities across British Columbia face housing affordability pressures, while a portion of the housing supply in all communities remains vacant, including properties that have remained derelict for years or decades, and vacant and derelict buildings pose

Wireless Connectivity in Rural Areas

Whereas intermittent or complete lack of cellular services in remote communities and along over 5,000 km of BCs rural highways creates a significant barrier for access to emergency services, negatively affects emergency response time, and increases public safety risk; And whereas there is a market failure to provide cellular services where revenue cannot support costs to deploy and maintain the service: Therefore be it resolved that the Province set targets to close gaps in cellular service in remote communities and along rural highway sections, and oblige service providers in partnership

Agricultural Support Services

Whereas agricultural extension services support government and community priorities around food security, economic development, climate change adaptation and water management; And whereas agricultural producers and stakeholders in each Regional District are subject to unique challenges and opportunities that are difficult to address in the long-term or in a consistent manner without predictable, non-project-based funding: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Agriculture provide funding to local governments through a stable, annual and accountable framework to establish strategic

Intergovernmental Collaboration on Land Use Planning

Whereas the inclusion of local governments in joint indigenous - provincial land use planning processes would offer an opportunity for intergovernmental collaboration and open communication that supports relationship-building and government-to-government reconciliation efforts with First Nations; And whereas local governments who are responsible for undertaking planning activities and providing services within defined geographic boundaries wish to engage with First Nations partners to address common interests and community needs: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be

Climate Emergency Declaration

Whereas the impacts of climate change in the form of extreme weather events, wildfires and drought are occurring at an accelerated rate and with growing frequency throughout BC and are creating major financial, social and environmental costs, which are largely being borne by local governments and the residents they serve; And whereas there is an urgency for action but a lack of resources and coordination to support local governments in their ability to adapt to and mitigate the ongoing effects of climate change, especially with respect to infrastructure upgrades, repairs and maintenance,

Logging in the Urban Interface

Whereas urban-rural fringe areas are transition zones where industrial land uses such as logging or other resource extraction, may conflict with local values or impact private water sources or contribute to property damage related to storm water management and erosion; And whereas local government and private property owners have limited ability to influence resource extraction decisions: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government establish buffer zones adjacent to residential properties that reduce conflict and ensure that property owners are protected from the adverse effe

Parking Enforcement in Rural Areas

Whereas the RCMP are responsible for enforcing parking regulations in rural areas which takes policing resources away from other priorities; And whereas the provincial response to UBCM Resolution 2014-B102 requesting that regional districts be granted the authority to enforce parking regulations within their boundaries indicated that further research was required prior to undertaking any policy change: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General jointly review parking enforcement in the rural area

Cave Protection Act

Whereas caves are uncommon and unique environments that can harbour rare and threatened species, unique mineralogy and sediments, First Nation heritage values; and are non-renewable, site-specific landscape features with natural, cultural, spiritual, aesthetic and scientific value; And whereas caves are sensitive ecosystems that can underlie developed landscapes and as such are vulnerable to pollution, destruction by quarrying, vandalism, mismanagement, species extinction and general degradation caused by human activities: Therefore be it resolved that the Provincial Government should pas

Strong Fiscal Futures

Whereas the Provinces response to the 2014 UBCM Strong Fiscal Futures resolution was limited to recognition of the need for more regular, structured dialogue between the Province and UBCM to better address shared duties to ensure the delivery of effective, responsive services to citizens; And whereas local governments continue to face significant challenges in providing effective, sustainable services and infrastructure management under an outdated local government financial system and archaic revenue sources: Therefore be it resolved that the Province commit to pursuing the Strong Fiscal

Regulation of Privately Managed Forest Lands

Whereas forest management practices on privately managed forest lands are primarily governed by the Private Managed Forests Lands Council with an objective to encourage forest management practices on private managed forest lands, only taking into account the social, environmental and economic benefits of those practices; And whereas forest management practices on privately managed forest lands can negatively impact the quality and quantity of water and effect ecosystem resilience to the impacts of climate change: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be requested to undertake a c