Regulation of Privately Managed Forest Lands

Cowichan Valley RD

Whereas forest management practices on privately managed forest lands are primarily governed by the Private Managed Forests Lands Council with an objective to encourage forest management practices on private managed forest lands, only taking into account the social, environmental and economic benefits of those practices; And whereas forest management practices on privately managed forest lands can negatively impact the quality and quantity of water and effect ecosystem resilience to the impacts of climate change: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be requested to undertake a comprehensive review of, and amendments to, the Private Managed Forest Act and all relevant legislation to strengthen requirements of private managed forest land owners to prevent negative impacts to the quality, quantity and distribution of water in our watersheds.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development All private landowners, regardless of property class are subject to the Water Sustainability Act, Drinking Water Protection Act, Environmental Management Act, Wildlife Act, Wildfire Act, Assessment Act, Heritage Conservation Act, and federal acts such as the Fisheries Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act and Species at Risk Act. In exchange for their commitment to long-term, sustainable management practices and agreeing to be regulated for additional public environmental values, including soil conservation, critical wildlife habitat, fish habitat, drinking water quality and reforestation, property owners that commit to the voluntary Private Managed Forest Land program receive assessed values for land that are generally lower than residential, which can result in lower property taxes. They are exempt from local government bylaws and permits that would directly or indirectly restrict a forest management activity. The BC government announced a review of the private managed forest land in January 2019 as part of the Coast Forest Sector Revitalization Initiative. Feedback from the program review is currently being analysed and a summary report of the review will be ready in spring 2020.

Convention Decision