EHS Services

Whereas the residents of rural communities require access to timely and professional emergency health care services to ensure their health and safety; And whereas many rural communities lack after hour access to medical clinics or hospitals in their communities; And whereas BC Emergency Health Services teams are relied upon to provide consistent and timely response to emergency health events, yet many rural BC Emergency Health Services teams are understaffed: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia and BC Emergency Health Services to increase budgets, de

Attracting and Retaining Medical Specialists in Rural BC

Whereas there is limited access to timely specialized medical care in rural British Columbia, creating extended patient wait times, which results in prolonged and worsening medical conditions that are often more quickly resolved in large urban centres: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be lobbied to more effectively retain medical specialists and services in rural British Columbia.

Community Resilience Investment Program - FireSmart Community Funding

Whereas the Community Resilience Investment Programs funding model for FireSmart related activities on private property is capped at 100,000 per local government regardless of population or geographic area; And whereas the funding model and funding eligibility requirements put geographically large regional districts at a notable disadvantage compared to local governments with significantly less wildfire interface areas: Therefore be it resolved that the Province develop eligibility requirements for Community Resilience Investment Program funding, and a funding model, that are equitabl

Climate Change

Whereas 187 local governments in British Columbia - 98 of the total - are signatories to the Climate Action Charter that commits them to work towards carbon neutral operations, measure community-wide emissions and create complete compact, energy-efficient communities; And whereas engaging in symbolic actions such as writing letters, passing resolutions and filing class-action lawsuits in the name of climate liability against major innovation drivers and employers is not an appropriate direction for BC municipalities because it will hinder rather than help the ability of municipalities and


Whereas new regulations introduced for ammonia safety have resulted in significant operating cost increases, and increased staff certifications required for operating arenas; And whereas communities in the Central and Northern regions of the province have limited financial and human resources, and difficulty accessing the costly training required to meet these new staffing regulations: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC work with post-secondary institutions and other providers to increase the availability of technical certificates and programs to address th


Whereas UBCM endorsed resolution 2015-A3 calling for the provincial government to provide the resources necessary to inspect and enforce provincial safety regulations, including the Fire Services Act and its regulations, through either the Office of the Fire Commissioner or the BC Safety Authority rather than downloading the responsibility for local governments to enforce Provincial rules; And whereas no decision has been made by the Province despite significant opposition, particularly by regional districts, regarding the proposed changes to the Fire Safety Act that would require enforce


Whereas safe accessegress are vital to human safety during the ever-increasing wildfire events British Columbians are experiencing; And whereas transportation corridors have been left with dry, combustible brush after clearing the side of roadways, increasing the risk of wildfires: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Provincial Government to establish a multi-agency approach to fire-smarting transportation corridors in the Province in partnership with BC Hydro, Fortis BC, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operation


Whereas the provincial government provides funding for support staff at fire centres throughout the province of British Columbia; And whereas the Cariboo Fire Centre experienced record-breaking wildfires in 2017, and more wildfires are predicted in this area: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to increase funding to those fire centres that are experiencing substantial increased wildfire activity in their areas.


Whereas small aircraft flights serve rural and northern airports in areas that depend on the economic and socio-economic benefits that air travel provides; And whereas a significant percentage of trained pilots are retiring, and many small aircraft pilots are now being hired to fly bigger aircraft serving large urban areas; And whereas flights into small rural and northern airports are at risk of being discontinued due to a lack of trained small aircraft pilots: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province to lobby for more small aircraft training opportunities in rural and nort


Whereas during the 2017 wildfires, evacuees ended up in several different locations; And whereas evacuees unfairly received varying degrees of Emergency Social Services supports depending on the locationproviderday, which caused confusion, additional stress and resentment: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to consider taking over management of Emergency Social Services during Level III Provincial State of Emergencies where local capacity is unable to provide basic ESS services, and that the provincial government facilitate regionalprovincial Level III ESS p