Rural Broadband

Whereas nearly 40 of rural residents in North-Central BC do not have access to broadband internet services; And whereas broadband service would enhance public safety, economic development, access to information, and social inclusion for rural residents and allow them to fully participate in the knowledge-based economy and society at a level enjoyed by other Canadians; And whereas the Government of Canada has recognized the disparity and established a Ministry of Rural Economic Development that includes rural broadband as a top priority: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM support the Fede

Southern Mountain Caribou

Whereas the population of the Southern Mountain Caribou herds in British Columbia has been declining; And whereas the provincial and federal governments are reviewing whether the Southern Mountain Caribou should be protected by the Species at Risk Act; And whereas application of the Act will directly affect both the recreational pursuits of local residents as well as the regional tourism and natural resource sectors; And whereas municipal and regional district governments have not been given the opportunity to participate in public consultation discussions to date about the Southern Moun

Local Authority in Provincial Planning

Whereas the Province, across all Ministries and agencies, must have a fundamental regard for the authority and responsibilities that local governments have over their jurisdictions; And whereas plans, reviews or initiatives may have the potential to impact communities in economic, social, environmental or other ways, local governments must have a seat at the table and a voice in collaboration; Therefore be it resolved that the Province establish a protocol for local governments to be assigned a role in the function of any planning, reviews or initiatives affecting their areas of respons

Liquor Tax

Whereas alcohol consumption contributes to increased demand for policing services; And whereas the provincial government receives substantial revenues from the sales of liquor: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to direct a portion of liquor sales revenues to local governments to offset the additional policing that results from alcohol sales.

Crime Statistics

Whereas the collection of crime statistics for many municipalities does not take into consideration the population it services outside its boundaries, resulting in artificially inflated crime statistics; And whereas by more accurately applying crime statistics to the population across a regional boundary, many municipalities crime ranking would be significantly lower and more accurate: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province to direct the RCMP to amend its reporting statistics to accurately reflect crime statistics based on the regional service area the RCMP responds to,

Community Childcare

Whereas affordable, quality childcare provides the foundation for life-long success, and benefits to society overall, and childcare is important for the economy and quality of life for British Columbians; And whereas childcare is a responsibility of the provincial and federal levels of government, not local government; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to establish a universal plan for childcare facilities without depending on local governments to create and run childcare facilities.

Importance of 911 in Remote and Rural Areas

Whereas more than 500,000 motorists use the rural and remote corridors throughout the Northern regions of the province annually, without access to consistent emergency 911 service; And whereas the absence of 911 as a core emergency service has a financial and human cost, related to the health and safety of residents, visitors and commercial travellers, and with a negative impact on timely and appropriate emergency response: Therefore be it resolved that the Province prioritize the establishment of emergency call-in services, such as 911 services, across the Province in its entirety includ

First Responders Response to Medical Calls

Whereas the residents of Province of British Columbia deserve timely and professional emergency health care services when health emergencies occur; And whereas many rural communities lack after hour and weekend access to medical clinics or hospitals in their communities; And whereas the BC Emergency Health Services prioritization model often and regularly deploys Emergency Health Care resources to larger communities; leaving rural communities with reduced or no EHS resources.

EHS Services - Utilizing First Responders

Whereas the residents of Province of British Columbia deserve timely and professional emergency health care services when health emergencies occur; And whereas many rural communities lack after hour and weekend access to medical clinics or hospitals in their communities; And whereas the BC Emergency Health Services prioritization model often and regularly deploys Emergency Health Care resources from smaller rural communities to larger communities, often leaving rural communities with limited or no Emergency Health Care resources in community.

EHS Services - Adequate Staffing in Community

Whereas the residents of Province of British Columbia deserve timely and professional emergency health care services when health emergencies occur; And whereas many rural communities lack after hour and weekend access to medical clinics or hospitals in their communities; And whereas the BC Emergency Health Services prioritization model often takes EHS crews from smaller rural communities to provide service to larger communities; based on population.