Provision of Free Prescription Contraception in BC

Whereas cost is a significant barrier to people accessing contraception, particularly to people with low incomes, youth, and people from marginalized communities; And whereas providing free prescription contraception has been shown to improve health outcomes for parents and infants by reducing the risks associated with unintended pregnancy, and is likely to reduce direct medical costs on the provincial health system; And whereas contraceptive methods targeted at men and those with penises i.e., condoms or vasectomies are available at low cost, no cost, or are covered by BCs Medical Serv

Supporting Tenants and Local Governments in the Delivery of Tenant Assistance

Whereas local governments have limited authority to require enhanced protections for tenants, except in limited instances, such as rezoning applications; And whereas the benefits provided to tenants under local government tenant assistance policies often help vulnerable individuals and families in the community, including those receiving income assistance from senior levels of government; And whereas even when local government tenant assistance policies may apply, implementation and enforcement of local government tenant assistance plans are challenging due to overarching provincial man

Addressing Increases to Condominium Insurance

Whereas stratified condominium home ownership is a growing form of tenure in communities across the province and insurance rates have been increasing; And whereas over the past year condominium stratas have experienced substantial increases to insurance premiums or found it difficult to secure an insurer for their buildings: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the Province to take action to address the skyrocketing costs for condo insurance.

Benefits of Public Car Insurance

Whereas public car insurance creates local jobs and significant investments in municipalities through road safety and improvement, grants-in-lieu, and community grants while providing greater control to municipalities to plan for risks and costs; And whereas jurisdictions with only private insurance options have experienced significant rate hikes year after year while accident benefits dramatically decline: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to preserve public car insurance, including jobs and local investments, in British Columbia.

Creation of Risk-Sharing Model that Returns Strata Premiums and Owner Deductibles to 2019 Levels

Whereas strata corporations in British Columbia have seen insurance premiums swell up to several hundred percent, and strata owners similarly had deductibles rise exponentially, all due in part to climate change-related risk aversion by insurers: And whereas stratas have increasingly become British Columbians residence of choice because of their relative affordability and improved land use, but those perceived values are now threatened over escalating insurance costs; And whereas the loss of multi-unit homes as a viable housing option for British Columbians would be economically catastrop

Speculation and Vacancy Tax

Whereas housing affordability is a key challenge in many communities facing high median home prices, including a number of homes that are vacant; And whereas the Province reported that in 2018, 58 million was collected under the Speculation and Vacancy Tax program; And whereas the Province gave the City of Vancouver the power to impose its own vacancy tax, which has provided Vancouver with approximately 40 million in additional revenue: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the provincial government provide local governments with the power to levy their own Speculation and Vaca

ICBC Data for GHG Reduction Efforts

Whereas BCs transportation sector accounts for about 37 percent of the Provinces total greenhouse gas emissions; And whereas local governments are struggling to find accurate data that quantifies the transportation emissions in their municipality or region so that they can develop local action plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from this sector; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the BC government require ICBC to collect mileage data when drivers renew their vehicleinsurance and then share the data of kilometres driven and fuel and vehicle type annually with local gover

Practical Measures for Resource Roads

Whereas the changing role of natural resource roads for communities due to population growth, diversified commercial and recreational uses and various emerging issues safety, search and rescue, evacuation planning are not being adequately addressed by the current management framework; And whereas opportunity for stakeholders including the local public and local government to participate in collaborative road use planning and decision making can be frustrated by lack of information exchange and confusing or inadequate protocols, classifications and definitions: Therefore be it resolved tha

Fair Access to Funding for Regional Public Transit

Whereas access to reliable public transit is critical to building affordable, healthy, connected, safe, equitable, accessible, and carbon neutral communities; And whereas the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Service Region Vancouver Area and the Victoria Regional Transit Service Area Victoria Area have access to a funding model that allows them to share the cost of public regional transit between drivers, user fares, and tax payers; however, this funding mechanism is not available to local governments outside of the two aforementioned areas: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM a

Tiny Home Legitimization

Whereas communities across BC are experiencing a housing crisis, and the full spectrum of affordable small housing forms and options that could meet their needs are not currently available to them; And whereas tiny homes, single detached housing units less than 46.45 square metres 500 square feet distinct from mobile homes or recreational vehicles and meant for full-time living, could support infill densification as laneway alternatives, and yet some of their features are not permissible as per the BC Building Code and the National Building Code, therefore unavailable to communities in nee