Funding for Rural Crime ReductionPrevention Group

Whereas the RCMP are overworked and understaffed when it comes to rural and remote communities; And whereas, many rural BC residents are frustrated with the level of services that the RCMP is currently able to offer: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government provide regular, ongoing and sustainable funding to support the development and growth of rural safety and crime reductionprevention groups.

Expanded Role for RCMP Auxiliary Program

Whereas the RCMP are overworked and understaffed when it comes to rural and remote communities; And whereas due to risk analysis, insurance and potential liability the RCMP Auxiliary Program has been severely restricted to the point of limited utility: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government and the Attorney General provide the necessary legal, risk and insurance protections to allow the RCMP Auxiliary Program to ride on calls with members to provide valuable assistance, support and safety to our overworked and understaffed RCMP Detachments.

Vegetation Control Along Powerlines

Whereas all of our communities rely on a safe, stable, and reliable electrical power grid; And whereas we are seeing and experiencing an increase in violent storms that bring down trees and branches on power lines, interrupting power supply and frequently travel: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to ensure that utility companies have the mandate and resources to effectively manage vegetation along power lines to ensure a safe, stable and reliable electrical power supply.

New Agricultural Land Commission Regulation

Whereas the Ministry of Agriculture made legislative changes in regards to Bill 15 and Bill 52 which implemented restrictions that affect residences in Agricultural Land Reserve; And whereas the changes that limit land parameters and inhibit construction of additional residences does not fit the agricultural need of most BC rural communities as it removes the possibility of multi-generational homes on family farmland thus discouraging young farmers from taking over their family farm and impeding sustainable agricultural businesses through lack of agricultural succession planning, farmland

Accessible Parking Campaign

Whereas most handicap accessible parking spots are designed for standard sized vehicles without a side entry conversion to accommodate ramps or lifts for drivers or passengers with disabilities; And whereas drivers or passengers with disabilities riding in a vehicle equipped with a side entry conversion require extra room to safely enter and exit the vehicle through the use of a ramp or lift: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to enact legislation in British Columbia that requires the provision of wheelchair accessible parking spaces, where are no less t

Legislative Clarification on Temporary Use Permits

Whereas the Local Government Act establishes that a Temporary Use Permit TUP may be issued for a term up to three years, and may be renewed only one time for a term up to three additional years; And whereas there is nothing prohibiting an applicant from applying for a new Temporary Use Permit to get around the prohibition of a second renewal, after the initial permit and one renewal have expired: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to amend the Local Government Act to specify that an applicant is not permitted to apply for a new Temporary Use Permit after th

Geothermal Exploratory Drilling Regulations

Whereas in alignment with section 2 of British Columbias Clean Energy Act, geothermal energy is capable of providing British Columbian municipalities, Indigenous Peoples, residents, and businesses with emissions-free, renewable, and baseload heat and electricity, for the health and socio-economic benefit of the Province; And whereas shallow exploratory drilling to determine temperature, stratigraphic, or hydrologic information a fundamental tool in the exploration for geothermal resources, is now regulated by the Oil and Gas Commission under the Oil and Gas Activities Act as per the 2017


Whereas the residents of the Province of British Columbia deserve timely and professional coroner services when deaths occur; And whereas there are only 32 full-time coroners and approximately 75 community coroners working from five regional offices and the Offices of the Chief Coroner in Burnaby and Victoria; And whereas the community coroners are expected to cover a wide range of communities which results in substantial wait times when deaths occur: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia to hire more coroners and to establish a model that ensures adeq

Continued Expansion of Trans-Canada Highway 1

Whereas the Province of BC has identified the Fraser Valley as a growth and innovation corridor as part of a framework for improving British Columbians standard of living to restore the British Columbia Dream; And whereas the critical congestion and safety challenges along the Trans-Canada Highway through the Fraser Valley and toward Hope continue to impact the provincial movement of goods and services and access to the AsiaPacific gateway, undercut the economic viability of a region with the provinces highest population growth, undermine public safety and quality of life for residents an