Forestry Economic Downturn

Whereas curtailments of local sawmills in BC have exhibited the potential of creating a significant economic downturn to the residents of BC, the local governments tax base, and extending to the province; And whereas limited access of local forestry industries to timber continues to incite more aggravated downturn on the wellbeing of BC rural communities: Therefore it be resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial and federal government to provide significant support to rural British Columbians by reviewing the selling of Timber Licenses and requiring that timbers be kept within the designate

Enumeration and Consideration of Seasonal Populations

Whereas many grants and public sector planning activities look largely at the population of an area as a determining factor in the grant amount, grant eligibility, and public service availability and levels; And whereas many communities in rural British Columbia experience a great increase in seasonal population, which puts a strain on existing public services: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia to begin enumerating the seasonal populations of rural communities to better understand and address the impact on infrastructure and the delivery of service

Gas Tax Funding

Whereas local governments continue to use their outdated infrastructures and tools to maintain and enhance community services since the user demand is ever increasing to renew or add new local government infrastructure to support community quality of life; And whereas, the 2019 doubled Federal Gas Tax Fund GTF transfer paid directly to each local government empowers them to deliver thousands of infrastructural projects, from roads and bridges to transit, water, waste and energy systems thereby proving to be the most efficient, reliable and cost effective way to empower local governments an

Brownfield Taxation

Whereas brownfields littered in prime locations create loss of economic value in affected communities and draw unattractive attention to visitors and prospective investors; And whereas brownfields owners settle with paying the cheap cost of annual property taxes rather than remediation of the property for the economic development and revitalization of the community: Therefore it be resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of BC to empower local governments by amending the BC Assessment Act to tax brownfields in a separate property class in order to encourage revitalization of brownfields for

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Whereas the Province has, through the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, established an initiative to build out an electric vehicle EV fast charging station network that includes expanding the network north of Prince George along the Highway 97 corridor and into the Peace region and directed BC Hydro to build out this network; And whereas communities along the Highway 97 corridor, including the District of Mackenzie, and into the Peace Region, and across the province will benefit from increased tourism in providing travellers with electric vehicles the knowledge that there is a

Maintenance of Forest Service Roads

Whereas for years the provincial government has approved the establishment of private land parcels that are only accessed by way of forest service roads, which are maintained by and at the discretion of the forest companies that use them; And whereas the current and expected to worsen downturn in logging activities in BC is resulting in forest companies withdrawing their activities from the bush and ceasing maintenance of those forest service roads, which leaves residents stranded with no access to their properties: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to unde

Transportation Services for Rural and Remote Communities

Whereas there is limited to no public or non-emergency medical transportation services provided to many small, rural and remote communities in BC; And whereas there exists a need for a socially-mandated intercity bus transportation program to provide essential transportation services for these small, rural and remote communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure work with BC Transit, local hospital boards, citizen and local government transit committees and private businesses to provide access to transportati

Emergency Interagency Communication System

Whereas local government and regional district emergency first responders have no central interagency communication system to verify the validity of call outs between all emergency agencies; And whereas this places smaller local governments at risk with unnecessary call outs given the shortage of emergency first responder resources and personnel: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial and federal governments to provide access to the RCMP Central Emergency Communication System for all Provincial Emergency Services to improve field communications and prevent un-necessary ca