Flood Risk Mitigation Through Green Infrastructure Natural Assets

Whereas the side channels, tributaries and sloughs of the Fraser and other large rivers have deep value to First Nations as historic transportation corridors, sites of food cultivation and harvest, refuge and gathering places; many of these same waterways are or were valuable recreational fishing, boating and swimming sites but are no longer safe and accessible for these activities; And whereas these waterways provide moderating effects for localized and riverine flooding and valuable habitat for wild salmon and other important species; And whereas there is no current requirement or stand

Provincial Support for Libraries

Whereas British Columbians across all age-groups demand that public libraries offer crucial information and resource services while providing programs that enhance connections, learnings, and skill-building for a stronger community; And whereas rural local governments continue to face increasing cost barrier and pressure of providing these services without significant provincial contribution: Therefore it be resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to re-enact successful continuance of public libraries and their critical contribution to BC communities by restoring library fund

Early Childhood Education Labour Force Shortage

Whereas there is a chronic shortage of Early Childhood Educators ECEs across the province that impedes the ability of qualified workers to return to the workforce after a parental leave: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to implement a standard fair wage, that reflects the current cost of living for ECEs in British Columbia to address the challenge of a lagging labour force in the child care sector; And be it further resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training to address the gender-biased systems that place

Post-Secondary Education in Rural Communities

Whereas the availability of post-secondary education is a critical piece in strengthening the fabric of small, rural communities as it allows residents to acquire further education and skills, without having to relocate and increases the community capacity for economic resilience and growth; And whereas, local government, in partnership with local First Nations, is most aware of local needs and is in the best position to determine the most appropriate post-secondary provider: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to work in partnership with local governments a

Sustainable Funding for Watershed Stewardship

Whereas effective stewardship of watersheds is critical for the sustenance, health, and wellbeing of current and future generations of British Columbians; And whereas the lack of water-use plans hinders the feasibility of maintaining healthy aquifers, stable riverbanks, and the prevention of ice dams for the safety and security of neighbouring communities: Therefore it be resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC fund the cost of hydrologists to determine an accurate measurement of beds in major rivers across BC, as well as provide stable funding to groups with projects relating

Invasive Species Act

Whereas there is no current provincial legislation that specifically addresses the negative impacts that invasive species cause for the economic well-being of municipalities and regional districts: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to develop a comprehensive Invasive Species Act that addresses all taxa, prohibits the sale of invasive species, and includes appropriate enforcement clauses.

Invasive Species Funding

Whereas the spread of invasive species on provincial public lands results is the adverse effect on the economic wellbeing of municipalities and regional districts; And whereas effective management of invasive species requires long-term stable funding before the invasion is irreversible: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to budget for long-term, stable funding for invasive species management.

Municipal Solid Waste ICI EPR Program

Whereas the Province has set the target for Municipal Solid Waste MSW of 350 kg per person by 20202021, and many local governments have a current average MSW that is much higher; And whereas many communities, specifically rural and remote communities, do not have access to Recycle BC services; And whereas ICI recyclable material makes up approximately 50-60 percent of the MSW stream, and there are minimal to no private businesses that collect ICI material in many rural and remote communities, culminating in the impracticality of meeting Provincial targets: Therefore be it resolved that

Private Liquor Store Moratorium

Whereas the government placed a moratorium on the issuance of new Licensee Retail Stores private liquor stores until July 1, 2022, the negative impacts of this moratorium have economic and social implications for smaller communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province to end the government-imposed moratorium on new Licensee Retail Stores.