Regulation of Anticoagulant Rodenticide

Whereas anticoagulant rodenticides are highly toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative compounds used to eliminate rodent populations that pose serious threats to BC wildlife including raptors, songbirds, coyotes, snakes, raccoons, owls and the environment including aquatic ecosystems through primary and secondary poisoning of non-target species placing owls and raptors are at a particularly high risk of secondary poisoning because of their dependence on rodents as a food source; And whereas anticoagulant rodenticides are an ineffective and counterproductive means of controlling rodent popul

Police Act Review

Whereas the Province has convened a special committee to review the Police Act, which outlines the delivery of policing services in British Columbia; And whereas the current structure excludes local representation on the special committee, despite local governments collectively spending more per year on policing services in British Columbia than any other order of government: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government commit to thorough consultation with local governments prior to the implementation of any changes to the Police Act, including recommendations made by the Speci

Black Lives Matter

Whereas the federal and provincial governments have stated that their work at the federal and provincial levels is underway to address the elements of institutional racism across Canada and the Province of British Columbia; And whereas there is a systemic economic disadvantage imposed on new arrivals to Canada, but especially on racialized groups, including the Black members of our community, due to the lack of appropriate recognition by the federal and provincial bodies of the educational and professional qualifications from other countries and provinces: Therefore be it resolved that U

Local Government Election Financing

Whereas the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act LECFA only applies to elector organizations and candidates during an election year for the specific purpose of campaigning; And whereas, third-party advertising sponsors are only required to include sponsorship information on election advertising in the last 28 days leading up to General Voting Day; And whereas in order to ensure fairness in the local government election process: - all financial transactions, both during a campaign and outside of campaign periods, should be reported; and - there should be full and transparent reporting

Cannabis Taxation Revenue Sharing

Whereas BC local governments have yet to receive a share of provincial cannabis taxation revenue, despite the federal governments decision to increase the provincial share of cannabis excise tax revenue by 25 per cent in recognition of the costs and responsibilities assumed by local governments; And whereas the provincial government continues to decline UBCMs requests to negotiate a cannabis taxation revenue sharing agreement, notwithstanding the growing body of evidence and local government support for an agreement, including but not limited to: - consistent requests for revenue sharing,

New Emergency Management Legislation

Whereas the provincial government is in the process of modernizing its emergency management legislation, with many proposed changessuch as new mitigation and recovery dutiesare likely to create financial and resource pressures for local governments; And whereas Emergency Management BC has acknowledged the need to support local governments in responding to these proposed changes, but has yet to outline any specific support mechanisms: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government, as part of the process to modernize BCs emergency management legislation, implement the following me

Broadband Internet

Whereas the 2019 BC Connectivity Reportproduced by KPMG for the Northern Development Initiative Trust to assess broadband Internet connectivity available to rural and Indigenous communities in BCidentified significant challenges with both access and affordability, challenges which have become glaring in the current pandemic and economic recovery environment; And whereas existing provincial funding focuses on completion of last-mile local network infrastructure or new, upgraded, or expanded backbone infrastructure; and federal government funding programs in development seem to focus on bac

Recovery Through Infrastructure Stimulus Funding

Whereas communities have incurred, and continue to incur, significant losses due to the costs of responding to the pandemic including lost revenue and job losses; And whereas the provincial government is shifting its focus from restarting the province to recovery from the pandemic, including an allocation of 1.5 billion for an Economic Recovery Fund; And whereas infrastructure funding has historically generated significant economic returns for local communities, through increased employment, the flow through of dollars to local businesses, and the creation of community assets: Therefor

Recovery and Rebuild of Public Transit in BC

Whereas transit is an essential service critical for providing mobility to support the social and economic recovery of transit communities and the Province, as part of the BC Restart Plan; And whereas transit communities have incurred, and will continue to incur, significant financial losses due to the costs of responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic costs which should not be downloaded onto regressive revenue sources like property taxes or transit fares which will hinder economic recovery: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of BC work with TransLink, BC Transit,