Standard of Care Discrepancies in Healthcare Services

Whereas there has been a noticeable increase in delays in treatment and testing for all British Columbians, with a particularly significant impact on residents in rural areas; And whereas there is an expectation of a standard of practice that every individual should be able to rely on, ensuring that test results are promptly reviewed; however, delays in testing and review processes are causing undue stress and potential health risks, especially in rural communities; And whereas the discrepancy in wait times for test result reviews, such as heart halter monitors, between urban and rural lo

Mental Health Mandate for Health Authorities

Whereas the number of people in BC, including in rural and remote communities, experiencing mental health and addictions issues continues to increase and there is a distinct lack of resources and treatment options for such individuals; And whereas the provincial government has committed to expanding complex care, treatment, and aftercare across the province to provide quality care to British Columbians where and when needed but there appears to be a disconnect in how regional Health Authorities are advancing this commitment in rural areas: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the

Advocacy for Brain Injury Awareness

Whereas Acquired Brain Injury traumatic and non-traumatic casts a profound impact on the cognition, personality, and overall well-being of British Columbians and there are over 1.5 million Canadians grappling with this condition; And whereas in British Columbia alone, more than 180,000 individuals are affected, with brain injuries often serving as a catalyst for mental health challenges, substance abuse, homelessness, incarceration, violence, and suicide and a staggering sixty people in British Columbia will acquire a brain injury today: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM endorses the co

Impact on Local Government from the Decriminalization of Drugs in BC

Whereas the Province of BC was granted an exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act for the personal possession of small amounts of certain illegal drugs for a trial period beginning January 31, 2023 until January 31, 2026; And whereas communities have seen increased pressure on RCMP and first responders since the implementation of the decriminalization pilot program; And whereas no statistics or reporting dashboard has been provided to support the continuation of the program or demonstrate the decrease in harm associated with decriminalizing the possession of small amounts

Resolving the Toxic Drug Crisis

Whereas it has been eight years since the declaration of the toxic drug crisis as a public health emergency; And whereas local governments need their provincial partners to move from reaction to action by developing and implementing a holistic plan that brings into balance all four pillars: prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery, and enforcement: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province develop and implement a balanced holistic plan, based on these four pillars prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery, and enforcement for resolving the toxic drug crisi

Downloading Costs by the Province to Local Governments for the Resulting Solutions for Homelessness, Mental Health and Addictions Support

Whereas local governments are dealing with the results of homelessness without financial supports due to new legislative changes by the Province of BC and funding mechanisms are insufficient to meet the growing demand for services in our communities; And whereas not enough supports have been put in place by the Province of BC for mental wellness, increased appropriate healthcare workers in communities, and addiction recovery services and supports: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of BC pay for costs incurred by local governments to address the lack of homelessness support, ment

Addressing the Impact of Provincial Policy on Local Governments, Taxation Equity, and Interim Policing Cost Support

Whereas the City of Langford acknowledges the vital role of health care, mental health care, and social services in building a resilient and safe community; And whereas the Provinces failure to meet its commitments in these areas has unfairly burdened local governments, straining local resources and compromising public safety, thus exacerbating social inequity through heightened property taxes: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM strongly urge increased provincial funding and support for health care, mental health care, and comprehensive housing initiatives to alleviate the strain on local

Union of BC Municipalities Name Change

Whereas the Union of BC Municipalities UBCM was established to provide a common voice for local governments across BC and has done so since 1905; And whereas the membership of UBCM consists of more than just municipalities, including regional districts, Indigenous governments, and improvement districts, for which the name of UBCM does not adequately represent: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Union of BC Municipalities Executive, as empowered by the bylaws of the Union of BC Municipalities, to initiate the process of formally requesting an amendment to the Union of BC Munici

Request for the Province to Set Standards for Municipal Council Remuneration

Whereas UBCM has developed a Council and Board Remuneration Guide and despite excellent best practice suggestions Councils are still required to vote on their remuneration; And whereas this system creates political pressure due to perceived conflict of interest by the public, which often results in remuneration rates not adequately compensating the workload; And whereas accurate compensation for time commitment could help to reduce barriers to running for local office and attract diverse candidates: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province set a standardized rates

Provincial Government Water Panel

Whereas BC faces real threats to a sustainable water supply, droughts flood and fire to name a few; And whereas increased water supply will be necessary to accommodate the housing growth that the BC Government is mandating, and maintaining and growing the agricultural sector to feed this new population; And whereas UBCM is the voice of the local governments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM strike a water panel to advocate to the provincial government on water issues pertaining to their local government members.