Whereas local governments are dealing with the results of homelessness without financial supports due to new legislative changes by the Province of BC and funding mechanisms are insufficient to meet the growing demand for services in our communities; And whereas not enough supports have been put in place by the Province of BC for mental wellness, increased appropriate healthcare workers in communities, and addiction recovery services and supports: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of BC pay for costs incurred by local governments to address the lack of homelessness support, mental health and wellness issues, and addictions recovery services and supports; And be it further resolved that UBCM mandate their Executives to engage in discussions with the Province of BC to negotiate a fair and equitable reimbursement framework for downloading services related to homelessness and mental health and addictions; And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Premier of BC, the Minister of Municipal Affairs, and all relevant stakeholders to advocate for immediate action.