Noise Camera Pilot Project

Whereas noise pollution has wide-ranging and well documented negative effects on public health and well-being and social connectedness, and vehicular noise pollution, from such sources as aftermarket exhaust systems are a particularly acute source of noise pollution, and these impacts disproportionately affect residents living near major thoroughfares, which are often more affordable housing types; And whereas many jurisdictions have sought to address the numerous challenges to the effective monitoring and enforcement of existing vehicular noise regulations through conventional law enforce

Automated Licence Plate Recognition Funding

Whereas the City of Langford recognizes the importance of safety and compliance to the Motor Vehicle Act for all road users; And whereas the discontinuation of vehicle licence plate validation decals in British Columbia has negatively impacted law enforcement officers in their ability to detect and enforce uninsured motor vehicle violations: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM petition to the Province and ICBC to provide local governments and police agencies with the required funds to procure Automated Licence Plate Recognition ALPR hardware for all law enforcement in British Columbia.

Equitable Court Access

Whereas gaps in service within the Provincial Courts continues to deny timely and equitable access to justice services for all British Columbians and will only be exacerbated by rapid population growth; thus, resulting in harms by prolonging closure for individuals awaiting court judgements, inefficient use of police time for travel, and greater challenges for those with limited access to public transit or transportation; And whereas although recent investments made by the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General JAG have increased capacity at specific courthouses, the investments have no

Fail to Appear Charges

Whereas 100 of Fail to Appear charges at provincial courthouses are assigned to the policing statistics of the local government in which the courthouse is located, having a disproportionate impact on the policing costs assigned to small municipalities with courthouses that serve a much broader area outside their jurisdiction; And whereas this inflates the Criminal Code case load for all local governments with courthouses within their jurisdiction and results in an unfair burden to the taxpayers of those local governments, especially considering that Fail to Appear cases have no effect on t

Port Policing

Whereas the Ports Canada Police was disbanded in 1997 and the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority discontinued its financial contribution to the RCMP-led Waterfront Joint Forces Operation in 2015; And whereas this loss of police resources has weakened the security of Canadas ports and allowed organized crime elements to proliferate, as evidenced by the 2023 Peter German report Policing our Ports; And whereas the provincial and federal governments have statutory authorities in respect of taxation and fees related to the port and the transportation of shipping containers: Therefore be it resol

Modernize the Police Cost Sharing Formulas

Whereas inflation, officer burnout, rising equipment costs, and rapidly increasing officer salaries have made the existing cost sharing formulas and RCMP policing costs unsustainable for local governments; And whereas the Provinces housing legislation, including Bill 44 and Bill 47, could potentially lead to increased policing costs, while Bill 46 will allow for police facilities to be funded through development cost charges, but will not help address the issue of police capacity: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to work with local governments to develop a new RCMP fund

Funding of RCMP Services for Small Municipalities

Whereas the current funding model for municipal RCMP police services imposes an immense financial burden on small municipalities when their census population reaches 5,000; And whereas implementation of the Provinces Homes for People plan, accelerating housing development and population growth, will push many small municipalities to the 5,000 census population trigger point sooner than previously anticipated: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to immediately increase the population threshold for RCMP contract policing costs payable by local governments from

Equitable Funding of Police Services

Whereas the City of Port Alberni funds the greatest number of RCMP members and pays significantly higher police costs per capita and per household compared to other local governments in the Alberni Valley, placing a significant burden on its taxpayers under the current Police Services funding model for British Columbia that does not take into account the financial commitment or funding contribution of each jurisdiction; And whereas systemic social issues outside of a local governments mandate, such as poverty, addiction, and mental health challenges, contribute to increased call volumes a

Search and Rescue Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Moratorium

Whereas the current search and rescue director of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness EMCR imposed a moratorium on all of the Provinces search and rescue teams, prohibiting those groups from expanding their capabilities until the Province has conducted a needs assessment study; And whereas Search and Rescue groups provide invaluable services crucial to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, tourist safety, and overall community well-being: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to promptly lift this moratorium and allow Search and Rescue groups to add to the

Search and Rescue - Capability Approval Process

Whereas the current response capability approval process for individual ground search and rescue SAR teams is hindering the ability of teams to respond to known hazards and utilize local capabilities and innovative technology; And whereas while the Province is responsible for administration of the SAR Program, local SAR expertise, community needs, and local authorities and agencies input must be a greater part of the capability approval process; And whereas capability decisions must not include call volume, as saving one life makes the investment of time and money worthwhile, and strength