Whereas the City of Port Alberni funds the greatest number of RCMP members and pays significantly higher police costs per capita and per household compared to other local governments in the Alberni Valley, placing a significant burden on its taxpayers under the current Police Services funding model for British Columbia that does not take into account the financial commitment or funding contribution of each jurisdiction; And whereas systemic social issues outside of a local governments mandate, such as poverty, addiction, and mental health challenges, contribute to increased call volumes and demands on police services, creating high police services costs that are further exacerbated by the need to respond to and manage the impacts of these systemic social issues: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urgently appeal to the Province of British Columbia to develop an equitable Police Services funding program for all BC municipalities and regional districts that takes into account the financial capacity and population size of each jurisdiction, as well as the additional demands placed on police services due to systemic social issues outside of a local governments mandate.