Zero Emission Vehicles

Whereas the provincial government plans to require only zero emission vehicle sales in British Columbia by 2040; And whereas northern and rural communities may not have the necessary infrastructure, capacity building ability, and related upgrades necessary to support the provinces objective for zero emission vehicles: Therefore be it resolved that if interim zero emission vehicle sales targets for 2030 are not met by the Province, then the Province may reconsider their 2040 objectives.

Decriminalization and Public Use

Whereas BC local governments recognize the urgent need to address the opioid crisis, and support decriminalization as one of the tools to tackle BCs toxic drug health emergency; And whereas concerns have been raised by local governments since the pilot project began in January 2023 on the public use of illicit drugs in child focused spaces such as parks and playgrounds; And whereas the federal government recently announced that effective September 18, 2023 the Health Canada exemption will be expanded to prohibit the possession of illicit drugs within 15 meters of any play structure in a

Economic Relief for Commercial and Industrial Business Sectors Impacted by Wildfires within British Columbia

Whereas British Columbia has endured the most devastating wildfire season to date; And whereas impacts experienced across the province related to wildfires and associated highway closures are numerous and far reaching, particularly as it relates to economic development and the tourism sector, adding additional burden to ongoing challenges related to recruitment and retention, supply chains and inflation; And whereas local commercial and industrial businesses within the Alberni Valley and neighbouring coastal communities have been particularly hard hit as a result of the ongoing closures

2023 Wildfire Season Economic Impacts to the Forestry Sector - Request for Inventory

Whereas 2023 has been the worst wildfire season in BCs history with over 2.2 million hectares burnt, and close to 1 billion spent to combat the wildfires; And whereas in April 2018 the Province received the AbbottChapman report titled Addressing the New Normal: 21st Century Disaster Management in British Columbia whereby recommendation 104 states: Following wildfire events, promptly undertake timber supply reviews to enable industry response and adaptation to a new allowable annual cut, and to allow BC to better understand and respond to impacts on habitat, fibre availability and community

Funding and Capacity for Police Training in BC

Whereas changes to the Justice Institute of BCs JIBC Police Academy funding model have included the Province limiting its contribution to approximately two million dollars per year, with remaining costs transferred to UBCM members with municipal police departments; And whereas the demand for new police officers continues to increase, as does the population of British Columbia, creating additional demand on the JIBC Police Academy with resulting impacts on all municipal police departments in BC: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of BC increase its annual contribution to the JIBC P

Addressing BCs Toxic Drug Health Emergency

Whereas BC local governments recognize the urgent need to address the opioid crisis, and support decriminalization as one of the tools to tackle BCs toxic drug health emergency; And whereas there is insufficient province-wide access to resources and services to support and ensure the safety of persons who use illicit drugs: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government immediately provide financial investments to ensure the provision of geographically accessible, on-demand mental health and addiction treatment, detox and recovery services; overdose prevention sites with inhala

Health Equity for Rural and Remote Communities

Whereas rural and remote communities in BC experience significant health care challenges, including a lack of access to emergency services, on-demand mental health and addictions facilities, physicians, paramedics, and other health professionals; And whereas the long distances, limited public and private transportation options to travel to the nearest health care service, and high costs for accommodations to stay near those sites while receiving treatment, are substantial barriers for people living in rural communities across the Province: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial gove

Extraordinary Resolution to Amend the UBCM Bylaws to Change the Resolutions Submission Deadline

Whereas Section 14a of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM Bylaws presently sets the submission deadline for resolutions as June 30; And whereas UBCMhas received up to a quarter of its total annual member resolutionswithin one week ofthe submission deadline,making it challenging for the Executiveto adequately review and provide comprehensive comments on all of the resolutions within the current reporting deadlines; And whereas a submission deadline set two weeks earlier to June 15 wouldprovide the Executive with enough additional time to ensure that all resolutions receive

911 Emergency Communications Service Delivery

Whereas there is a growing need for a more resilient and reliable emergency communications system, especially in light of the increasing severity and frequency of disasters and emergencies, 911 service disruptions and a growing annual emergency call volume; And whereas 911 is a universally recognized number for British Columbians to call when there is an emergency e.g., medical issue, but 911 calls related to mental health are oftentimes directed to police agencies as the first point of contact; And whereas the improvement of the 911 emergency communications system has been a long-standin

Cost Recovery from Upper WatershedsPrivately Managed Forest Lands to Support Watershed Stewardship and Climate Change Mitigation

Whereas the Province initiated a review of Private Managed Forest Lands in 2019 to in part encourage sustainable forest management practices including protection of environmental values; And whereas forest management practices on privately managed forest lands effect downstream communities and can negatively impact the quality and quantity of water and affect ecosystem resilience to the impacts of climate change: Therefore be it resolved that the Province partner with local governments to review taxation and cost recovery options from private managed forest lands to support local governme