Decriminalization and Public Use

UBCM Executive

Whereas BC local governments recognize the urgent need to address the opioid crisis, and support decriminalization as one of the tools to tackle BCs toxic drug health emergency; And whereas concerns have been raised by local governments since the pilot project began in January 2023 on the public use of illicit drugs in child focused spaces such as parks and playgrounds; And whereas the federal government recently announced that effective September 18, 2023 the Health Canada exemption will be expanded to prohibit the possession of illicit drugs within 15 meters of any play structure in a playground, a spray park or wading pool, or a skate park: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government introduce Fall 2023 legislation to further regulate the possession and use of illicit drugs in parks, beaches, sports fields and bus stops where children also gather.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Provincial Government values the feedback of local governments on this issue and is grateful for the Union of BC Municipalities continued support for decriminalization as a tool to connect people to care while fighting the shame and stigma of addictions. On October 5, 2023, the Government introduced the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act the Act, which allows police to keep community spaces accessible for everyone while also enabling people who use drugs to be connected to spaces where they can use safely and receive supports. Under the Act, drug use will not be allowed at parks, beaches, sports fields, and outdoor community recreation areas, as well as within six metres of public transit bus stops and entrances to businesses or residential buildings next to public areas like sidewalks. Public use will also be prohibited within 15 metres of playgrounds, spray and wading pools, and skate parks, where possession is already illegal. The Act received Royal Assent on November 8, 2023, and will come into force by Regulation. Government is committed to remaining engaged with UBCM and other local government partners throughout the implementation, evaluation and monitoring of decriminalization and the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act.

Convention Decision