Criminal Justice Reform for Repeat, Convicted Offenders

Whereas the RCMP are overworked and understaffed in the Province of BC; And whereas many BC residents are frustrated with the low sanction sentences imposed by the Provincial Court criminal justice system; And whereas criminals may not choose the path to recovery as provided for by various provincial, federal, or First Nations government-created mental health programs, Indigenous court systems, reform programs, safe injection sites, methadone, or Opioid Agonist Treatment OAT clinics; And whereas many thefts and drug-related crimes are perpetrated by criminals who are well known to police

Clothesline Act

Whereas the British Columbia Clean Energy Act set provincial objectives to reduce BC Hydros expected increase in demand by 66 through demand-side measures by 2020; And whereas clothes dryers are one of the highest energy consuming household appliances: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM request the Province of British Columbia enact a Clothesline Act to ensure that no law, by-law, covenant or agreement prevents, prohibits or unreasonably restricts the installation or use of a clothesline outdoors at a single-family dwelling; or on the ground floor of a multi-unit residential buildin

Accelerating Zero Emissions Buildings

Whereas the need to take urgent action to address climate change in BC has never been clearer in the face of fires, floods and extreme weather, and buildings are a major source of GHG emissions in BC; And whereas the technologies, products and construction methods exist today to construct zero emissions homes and buildings at little additional cost, and the building industry is ready to tackle this challenge: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to accelerate its timelines for requiring zero emissions new construction of buildings and mandating the s

Cannabis Taxation Revenue Sharing with Local Governments

Whereas BC local governments have yet to receive a share of provincial cannabis taxation revenue, despite the federal governments decision to increase the provincial share of cannabis excise tax revenue by 25 per cent in recognition of the costs and responsibilities assumed by local governments; And whereas the provincial government continues to enjoy growing taxation revenue from cannabis sales in local communities without sharing any of that revenue with local governments in spite of evidence of substantial one-time and incremental costs incurred by local governments associated with the

BC Ferries Provincial Statutory Guidance

Whereas BC Ferries Services Inc., created by provincial legislation, is committed to support the economy, community sustainability and to partnering with labour to promote and support innovation through ferry service delivery, with changes in ferry service delivery having the potential for dire impacts on coastal and island community sustainability and the provincial economy; And whereas an equitable, transparent, accessible and consistent consultation process for adjusting sailing service levels with system users, stakeholders and tax payers is non-existent: Therefore be it resolved th

BC Ferries Advisory Council

Whereas BC Ferries Services Inc., created by provincial legislation, is committed to support the economy, community sustainability and to partnering with labour to promote and support innovation through ferry service delivery, with changes in ferry service delivery having the potential for dire impacts on coastal and island community sustainability and the provincial economy; And whereas an equitable, transparent, accessible and consistent consultation process for adjusting sailing service levels with system users, stakeholders and tax payers is non-existent: Therefore be it resolved th

British Columbia Changes to Paramedic Service Delivery

Whereas sweeping changes have recently been instituted by the British Columbia Emergency Health Services in the manner of staffing and compensating paramedic service providers; And whereas the impact of those changes has led to a dramatic drop in coverage for many rural and remote communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to intervene and ensure that British Columbia Emergency Health Services institutes an adequate interim framework to restore paramedic service levels in rural and remote communities and encourage 100 coverage for British Columbians n

Stormwater Management

Whereas property, infrastructure and the natural environment are vulnerable to extreme weather events and other impacts of climate change, particularly in relation to stormwater run-off; And whereas increasingly extreme weather events are intensifying the frequency and severity of stormwater issues causing overland flooding which is damaging critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, culverts, and active transportation systems, as well as impacting the natural environment, such as salmon-bearing streams, and further compounding challenges with respect to the management of stormwater r

Enforcement Tools for Short-Term Rentals

Whereas according to the June 2021 Report of the Joint UBCM-Province Advisory Group on Short-Term Rentals, the short-term rental industry has seen significant growth since the arrival of online accommodation platforms such that effective regulation of short-term rental activity is necessary to ensure community economic benefits of the industry are balanced with reducing impacts of concern such as long-term rental housing availability, affordability and neighbourhood livability; And whereas many popular vacation areas lie outside of municipal boundaries in electoral areas; And whereas enf