Veterinarian Shortage

Whereas there is a critical shortage of veterinarians, particularly for large animals, in BC; And whereas the Province of BC sponsors 20 IPA Inter-Provincial Agreement students out of the 140 who apply per year for the four-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, and has committed to one year funding for an additional 20 students for 2022-23: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Minister of Advanced Education and the Government of BC commit to funding a total of 40 veterinary students under the

Regional ICBC Rate Inequities

Whereas the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ICBC and the Government of British Columbia have perpetuated inequitable regional basic insurance coverage value beginning in 2001 or earlier; And whereas the Government of British Columbia, through Order in Council 4582018, directed the BC Utilities Commission to approve an ICBC Basic Insurance Rate Design; And whereas the 2018 Basic Insurance Rate Design acknowledges, but does not immediately correct, the inequity: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that a new ICBC Basic Insurance Rate Design be developed immediately that co

Library Funding

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local governments, and where provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 10 years; And whereas public libraries are central to communities, providing equitable access to vital resources, including internet, computers, digital library tools, and in-person services from expert staff; And whereas public libraries provide British Columbians with low-barrier services, that support job seekers and small businesses, that increase literacy in communities, that advance reconciliation with Indigenous peop

Support for Bereavement Services to be Included in the BC Mental Health Plan

Whereas BC is currently experiencing a mental health crisis; And whereas there is a lack of publicly funded and accessible bereavement services for adults, young adults, and youth in our community despite the enormous toll the loss of loved ones has on mental health: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Province of British Columbia to include funding for non-profit, publicly accessible bereavement services in the BC Mental Health and Addictions Strategy Plan.

Re-Investing in EV Infrastructure

Whereas British Columbia and Metro Vancouver have shown exceptional leadership for electric vehicle EV uptake due in large part to generous incentives and early infrastructure upgrades; And whereas the current level of EV ownership must increase to meet agreed-upon climate targets and cannot be considered sufficient at this time: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask all orders of government federal, provincial and local and BC Hydro to increase investment in EV infrastructure and decrease user fees including Step 2 EV exemptions until EV uptake is sufficient; And be it further resolved

Expanding the Mandate of BC Assessment Authority

Whereas all communities in BC are experiencing an ongoing housing crisis, placingan extraordinary pressure on local governments to provide affordable housing without having equitable access to the tools to properly assess project proformas in order to negotiate maximum affordable housing components in developments; And whereas local governments recognize that reconciliation efforts must include housing discussions and to provide effective and equitable affordable housing, there must be collaboration with Indigenous Peoples: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to expand the

Expediated Provincial Regulation of Single-Use Plastics

Whereas in 2019, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy published the CleanBC Plastics Action Plan which included the consideration for a provincial ban on single-use plastic items to provide a consistent approach to reducing single-use plastics; And whereas the authorization of local governments to enact municipal bylaws to ban plastic checkout bags has created inconsistency between municipalities specifically in regards to the minimum fees applied to recycled paper bags and reusable bags; And whereas the enactment of municipal single-use plastic bylaws is voluntary and

Expanding the Child Care Sector Workforce

Whereas access to a quality child care system is key to the heath and development of children; And whereas access to a quality child care system supports families and is key to BCs economic recovery; And whereas qualified Early Childhood Educators play a critical role in the advancement of a universal child care system; And whereas qualified Early Childhood Educators deserve to be compensated commensurate with their education and experience, including access to benefits and pension plans: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM urge the provincial government to accelerate its Early Care

Increase Funding for Public Libraries in the BC Provincial Budget 2023

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local governments, and where provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 10 years; And whereas public libraries are central to communities, providing equitable access to vital resources, including internet, computers, digital library tools, and in-person services from expert staff; And whereas public libraries provide British Columbians with low-barrier services, that support job seekers and small businesses, that increase literacy in communities, that advance reconciliation with Indigenous peop

Biodiversity Crisis Requires Urgent Species at Risk Protection and Legislation

Whereas British Columbia has the greatest biological diversity of any province or territory in Canada, the most species at risk, and is the only major jurisdiction in Canada without stand-alone Species At Risk legislation; And whereas only 4 of the 1,336 species at risk recognized by the province are legally protected under the Wildlife Act, yet unsustainable land use and extractive development are causing BCs wildlife populations to decrease in abundance, with many species facing extinction; And whereas the current patchwork of provincial laws and regulations has not effectively preven