Regional ICBC Rate Inequities

Williams Lake
Fort St. John

Whereas the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ICBC and the Government of British Columbia have perpetuated inequitable regional basic insurance coverage value beginning in 2001 or earlier; And whereas the Government of British Columbia, through Order in Council 4582018, directed the BC Utilities Commission to approve an ICBC Basic Insurance Rate Design; And whereas the 2018 Basic Insurance Rate Design acknowledges, but does not immediately correct, the inequity: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that a new ICBC Basic Insurance Rate Design be developed immediately that conclusively corrects the regional inequity; And be it further resolved that UBCM request that ICBC and the Government of British Columbia explore opportunities for regional redress such as elimination of windshield deductibles, winter tire subsidies and regional variation in low-use discounts.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Governments mandate for the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ICBC is to ensure rates are fair and affordable for all British Columbians. Territory is only one of the factors that helps determine insurance premiums. Rate design is intended to make premiums fairer for all drivers by taking more customer specific risk factors into account and provides residents of rural regions with a reduction in the territory component over the course of 10 years. Over the past four years, ICBC has undertaken initiatives to make premiums more affordable for customers in all regions, including the cost savings under Enhanced Care and various refunds and rebates.

Convention Decision