Funding Support to Manage Post COVID-19 Pandemic Tourism

Whereas in the summer of 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Province moved to Phase 3 of BCs Restart Plan which resulted in Destination BC focusing on encouraging residents to Explore BC as a way to promote domestic tourism; And whereas the Explore BC has been so successful that unprecedented number of residents and visitors have sought ways to experience the Provinces natural environment and these numbers are expected to continue beyond the active pandemic phase: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the provincial government provide funding to the provincial minis

COVID-19 Funding Allocation Deadline

Whereas regional districts must fully allocate COVID-19 safe restart grant for local governments funds to an appropriate regional and local service before December 31, 2021, but municipalities do not have the same allocation deadline requirement; And whereas regional districts would like the discretion to hold back some COVID-19 safe restart grant for local governments funding for allocation to an appropriate regional or local service in a future year: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province provide regional districts the same COVID-19 safe restart grant for local go

Flexibility of Grant Programs

Whereas local governments in BC are increasingly reliant on a wide variety of grant programs to support the delivery of services, programs and projects in their jurisdictions; And whereas the administrative burden of managing increasingly complex criteria and requirements, from application to final reporting, can be overwhelming, time consuming and sometimes prohibitive for some local governments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the governments of British Columbia and Canada to coordinate their efforts across all grant program streams to establish more consistent and flexibl

Provincial Tax Sharing and Local Fuel Tax

Whereas costs, regulations, and responsibilities for local governments are increasing at an unsustainable rate; And whereas some traditionally provincial or federal funded responsibilities have shifted to local government: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to work with local governments towards sharing: - Sales Tax - Liquor Tax - Property Transfer Tax And be it further resolved that the Province support and simplify the creation of local fuel taxes for local governments as an additional revenue stream.

Strengthening Rail Safety in BC

Whereas many BC communities are seeing a significant increase in hazardous goods being transported by rail through their communities; And whereas those hazardous goods pose a real threat to the environment and communities along the rail corridor: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM and FCM request that Transport Canada review and consult with local governments on the safe transport of hazardous goods by rail in BC, in order to strengthen safety requirements and reduce the risk to BC communities and the environment in the event they are faced with a rail emergency.

Abandoned Vehicles on Crown Land

Whereas enforcement of abandoned vehicles on Crown Land, Provincial rights of way and road dedications may involve a number of agencies but little coordinated action; And whereas members of the public have difficulty knowing who to contact to initiate a complaint of an apparent abandoned vehicle: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province designate one Ministry or coordinating body to be responsible for abandoned vehicle complaints on Crown Land, Provincial rights of way, and road dedications.

Safe Passing Distance for All Road Users

Whereas the Province of British Columbia encourages cycling and walking for transportation, yet relatively few roads in BC have bike lanes or shoulders, and many do not have sidewalks, directing cyclists and pedestrians to share roads with high-speed motor vehicle traffic, which can result in close passes, poses potentially fatal crash risks, and discourages active transportation; And whereas over 40 jurisdictions across North America, including the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador, have all enacted safe passing distance legislation d

Provincial Maintenance of Arterial Roads Within Municipalities

Whereas the Provincial Ministry of Transportation MOTI is responsible for the clearing of snow off arterial highways across British Columbia, including within municipal boundaries; And whereas the Provincial MOTI has signed contracts with external companies to fulfill this responsibility, each of which is to last for ten years from signing; And whereas residents of municipalities expect their city authorities to promptly and appropriately deal with snow removal: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to work closely with municipalities to identify any flaws or d

Consultation by Ministry Prior to Undertaking Works on Highways

Whereas the BC government has ownership of and jurisdiction over arterial provincial highways that are located in municipalities; And whereas municipalities have authority under the Community Charter to manage and regulate highways such as streets, roads, lanes, bridges, viaducts, sidewalks and other ways open to public use; And whereas municipalities require the approval of the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure before regulating or prohibiting traffic on arterial provincial highways; And whereas municipalities experience economic, ecological and logistical impacts wheneve