Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Sector Recyclables

Whereas the BC Recycling Regulation does not include Industrial, Commercial and Institutional ICI recycling in requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility programs, and therefore recyclables are not accepted in the Recycle BC system or other stewardship programs; And whereas packaging and paper products utilized in the ICI sectors form a significant proportion of recyclable materials in our communities, and continue to result in significant collection and recycling costs borne by local governments, and recyclable materials potentially destined for landfills: Therefore be it resolved

Illegal Dumping in Electoral Areas

Whereas illegal dumping of waste on Crown land and provincial rights-of-way continues to be a growing problem, particularly in rural locations, resulting in unsightly and dangerous refuse deposits in natural areas; And whereas local governments contribute significant resources to mitigate illegal dumping, and the Province has the mandate for illegal dumping enforcement on Crown land: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy to report out on the action of the provincial working group, review resources and strategies for addressing ille

Illegal Dumping in Rural Areas

Whereas illegal dumping on Crown land continues to be an increasing concern in rural and backcountry locations, resulting in hazardous conditions; And whereas local governments and non-profit community groups contribute significant resources to address illegal dumping, even though the Province has the mandate for enforcing illegal dumping on Crown land; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy to increase resources and strategies to address illegal dumping in rural and backcountry areas and on Crown land and strengthen its partnersh

Illegal Dumping

Whereas illegal dumping of waste on private and crown land continues to be an issue across the Province resulting in unsightly, unsanitary and potentially dangerous refuse deposits in natural rural areas that should be protected and preserved for public enjoyment in supernatural British Columbia; And whereas the problem of illegal dumping is an area of shared jurisdiction between multiple Provincial Ministries including Environment and Climate Change Strategy, and Forest, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, which results in decreased accountability and gaps in service

Drinking Water Protection and Private Managed Forest Land

Whereas the Private Managed Forest Land Act identifies the protection of drinking water, both during and after harvesting, as a management objective; And whereas private managed forest land located within and adjacent to community drinking water systems limit the ability of local governments to protect and control drinking water supply areas; And whereas the Province of BC enacted the Drinking Water Protection Act to ensure the provision of safe drinking water, and local governments have improved treatment of community drinking water with significant financial support of senior governme

Watershed Stewardship in British Columbia

Whereas watershed management lacks provincial oversight and capacity resulting in inadequate watershed management and consideration in the landscape level planning within BC; And whereas local governments and Non-Governmental Organizations NGO do not have the jurisdictional authority, capacity and resources needed to properly manage watersheds to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of watershed: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of BC to work with local governments and NGOs to define the authorities and responsibilities while providing adequate resources n

Invasive Asian Clams

Whereas invasive Asian clams Corbicula fluminea are known to threaten the natural biodiversity of lakes by competing with native species for sustenance and space, cause biofouling to water treatments systems, alter water chemistry, and potentially reduce the quality of drinking water; And whereas the spread of Asian clams will have significant environmental, social, and economic consequences for our waterways, wildlife and communities; And whereas the Controlled Alien Species Regulation exists under the Wildlife Act to enforce controls for species that pose a risk to people, property, wil

Protection of Waterways from Aquatic Invasive Species

Whereas Canada is home to 20 percent of the worlds fresh water, and the spread of aquatic invasive species AIS poses irreparable environmental, social and economic threats that will cost Canadian taxpayers billions of dollars in lost tourism and economic opportunities, and other unknown costs; And whereas the spread of AIS is largely connected to human activity, including the unsafe transport of watercraft and floatplanes between bodies of water; And whereas current government efforts through fines for failing to stop at a BC watercraft inspection station, there is a lack of specific prov

Development Cost Charges for Local Government Facilities

Whereas the Local Government Act, Section 559, authorizes a local government to impose, by bylaw, development cost charges on every person who obtains approval for development, for the purpose of providing funds to assist the local government to pay the capital cost of providing, constructing, altering or expanding sewage, water, drainage and highway facilities, and providing and improving parkland to service, directly or indirectly, the development for which the charge is being imposed; And whereas in the same manner that development results in a capital cost burden on a local government

Income Tax CreditDeduction for Workers in Isolated Areas

Whereas it is challenging to attract and retain employees in isolated communities due to a lack of services and the extra cost to obtain these services elsewhere; And whereas the provincial government has recognized the need to compensate provincial employees through an isolation allowance, which includes additional pay and vacation allowances for employees who work in posted isolated location points: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the provincial government to provide a tax creditdeduction to workers living in communities that are included in the Provinces list of posted i