Local governments are invited to provide input on the development of regulations for local authorities under the Emergency and Disaster Management Act (EDMA) at one of three online engagement sessions this April. These webinars, administered by the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR) and hosted by UBCM, will give local governments an opportunity to review, validate, and add to key issues and questions identified by the Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC) on EDMA regulations.
Local government elected officials and staff are encouraged to register for one of the following webinars:
- April 8, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. PDT: Regional districts only
- April 9, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. PDT: Regional districts or municipalities
- April 10, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. PDT: Municipalities only
The LGAC, an EMCR-UBCM joint committee comprised of 10 local government representatives and co-chaired by UBCM and the Ministry, was established in July 2024 to provide input on the development of regulations under the EDMA.
The Advisory Committee has held seven meetings to date, covering a wide range of issues. Prior to the October 2024 provincial election, UBCM published an article summarizing the LGAC’s deliberations at its first four meetings. This summary covered key topics, including risk assessments, consultation and cooperation with Indigenous governing bodies, regional district responsibilities, and the costs, capacity, and guidance available to help local governments meet their new responsibilities under the EDMA.
Update on committee discussions
Since the committee resumed its work following the provincial election, three additional meetings have been held to further discuss issues of relevance to local governments.
- Emergency management plans: The LGAC examined the requirements to develop emergency management plans, as noted in section 52 of the EDMA. Members discussed differences in urban and rural environments, support for developing their plans, review periods, and opportunities to make non-sensitive information available. The Committee also mentioned and highlighted challenges related to capacity and funding.
- Provincial All-Hazard plan: The LGAC was briefed on EMCR’s work to modernize its All-Hazard Plan, shifting from a response-focused plan to a four-phase emergency management approach that aligns with internationally recognized best practices in disaster management. The new plan is expected in spring 2025, and will guide provincial ministries and local governments in developing EDMA-compliant emergency management plans. The LGAC emphasized the need for expert representation on the technical team that will oversee the plan’s implementation.
- Provincial Disaster and Climate Risk and Resilience Assessment (DCRRA): The Advisory Committee was briefed on EMCR’s provincewide DCRRA, expected in spring 2025, and the regional-level assessments that will follow.
- Scope of Regional District Responsibilities: Similar to previous engagement with local governments, discussions were held regarding the scope of regional district responsibilities. Members have noted that regional districts will face an overwhelming burden if required to develop risk assessments and emergency management plans for all areas, including those on Crown land and areas with few inhabitants. Advisory Committee members discussed opportunities to focus on areas of highest priority where regional districts have control over decision-making.
- Consultation and cooperation: The province released interim guidance in July 2024 on Indigenous Engagement Requirements under the EDMA and launched a funding program to support implementation. Advisory Committee members raised concerns about funding, capacity, and the complexity of determining overlapping traditional territories, and suggested that the Province should play a greater role in facilitating discussions.
Next steps
Following these upcoming webinars, the Province is expected to review all input provided on EDMA regulations through LGAC deliberations and by webinar participants. This feedback will be considered in the Province’s development of draft regulations, which are expected to be shared with the LGAC for review and consideration prior to the summer season.
UBCM will continue to keep the membership updated on the LGAC’s progress and share further outcomes from these discussions through the Compass and other information channels.
Local governments with comments or questions regarding the Advisory Committee may contact Bhar Sihota, UBCM Policy Analyst.