Province to strengthen invasive species legislation

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The Province is proposing key amendments to the Wildlife Act in this Spring’s legislative session to address the spread of aquatic invasive species. Once enacted, the proposed amendments will enable the Province to create regulations under the Wildlife Act to: 

  • Prohibit the transport of watercraft over land with the drain plug in place.
  • Require inspection of all watercrafts entering BC from another jurisdiction prior to being launched in provincial waters.
  • Require vehicles transporting watercraft to stop at designated inspection stations.

The proposed amendments follow targeted engagement on the Act in 2023-2024 and a discussion paper shared with First Nations, Ministry wildlife advisory groups and other organizations that outlined actions and tools to prevent and reduce the spread of invasive species.

UBCM’s membership has long advocated for stronger Provincial action on aquatic invasive species. In multiple resolutions dating back to 2013, members have recognized the serious ecological and economic risks of invasive species such as zebra and quagga mussels (ZQM), and advocated for stronger provincial enforcement action and resourcing (2023-EB36, 2020-EB50, 2016-EB60).

Local governments and other interested parties who wish to learn more about the proposed amendments or provide feedback before they are introduced are encouraged to contact Pam Doerksen at by March 21, 2025.